现实版来自星星的你,定向陨石,由于宇宙的奥秘无穷,这些陨石就成了神秘的代表藏品,外天空 的石头也受热捧,市场上一块小小的陨石价格就已经能堪比黄金了。市场上也有这么一群人,他们是职业陨石猎人,也叫猎星人。在中国,他们的工作便是在深山老林、戈壁荒漠中寻找陨石,并高价出售谋取暴利。寻宝的过程充满险阻,但一夜暴富的故事又不断施加着诱惑。









英文翻译:The real version of you from the stars, directed meteorites, because the mystery of the universe is infinite, these meteorites have become a mysterious collection on behalf of the sky stone is also hot, a small meteorite price on the market has been able to be comparable to gold. There's also a group of people on the market, professional meteorite hunters, also known as star hunters. In China, their job is to find meteorites in the mountains and gobi desert, and sell them at a high price to make a huge profit. The treasure hunt is fraught with dangers, but the story of instant wealth constantly seduces.

Mercury meteorite

Meteorites are debris from other bodies in the solar system beyond Earth, the vast majority from asteroids located between Mars and Jupiter, and a few from the moon and Mars. Meteorites are usually divided into three categories according to the content of iron and nickel metal inside them: stone meteorites, iron meteorites and stone iron meteorites. The olivine meteorite is one of the rarest and most precious stone iron meteorites, which is found in less than 1% of the world.

Mercury meteorites are the meteorites with the highest known value, far more than Mars meteorites. Mercury is a blue planet, and its meteorites have blue characteristics. This meteorite is wrapped by the melting shell cortex, with blue color inside, which is very rare and of great collection value.

Glass meteorites are colorful, very wonderful, and the other side due to the formation of glass luster at high temperature flow, giving a person a very mysterious feeling, incompatible with the earth's minerals, a glance will know that glass meteorites, characteristics are very obvious.

The meteorite has a strong mysterious cosmic energy, is the angel of the fourth degree of space in the universe, has a strong ability to ward off evil, and can transport, ward off evil, town house and so on. Thailand, Southeast Asia and other countries and Tibetan monks called meteorites - "iron". The energy of meteorites can strengthen the human energy field and enhance the vitality of the body. Legend made of meteorite carved pieces, amulets and other accessories to wear, can ward off evil spirits, town houses, wealth, transport. People with bad luck and bad things can often wear meteorite carves or meteorites. The powerful mysterious energy of meteorites can absorb bad luck on your body, and help it transform and improve into good luck.

Weight 265 grams, large block, suitable for decoration.

Light transparent, visible with yellow fog, as if containing mysterious power, very magical appreciation!

Have meteorites is considered auspicious rock: sometimes for work, more of heaven to be a good one million head, in this era of rapid renminbi devaluation, businessmen are more willing to invest a rare product, is the so-called daughter comes easily, a treasure is hard to find, at present people pursuit of meteorites more than diamonds, moreover meteorites make tea, magnetic field to adjust the human body, achieve the goal of fitness regimen. In the article, the appearance of the meteorite is very good, and the base can be used as decoration, and the ornamental value and collection value are very high.