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1、give somebody(某人)something(某物)(give something to somebody) :把某物给某人

例句1:Give your mother the apple. (Give the apple to your mother.) 请把苹果给你妈妈。

例句2:Give the pencil and the paper to me.(Give me the pencil and the paper).请把铅笔和纸给我.

例句3.Give the potatoes to grandma.(Give grandma the potatoes.)请把土豆给奶奶。

2、show somebody something(show something to somebody) :把某物给某人看.

例句1:Please show me the book.( Please show the book to me )请把这本书给我看下。

例句2:Please show me the problem.请把这道题目给我看看

例句3:Please show this paper to Tom.请把这张卷子给汤姆看看。

3、had better do something:最好去做某事

否定形式是had better not do something:最好不要去做某事

例句1:You had better wash your hands before lunch.你最好在午饭前洗个手。

例句2:You had better ask the teacher.你最好去问问老师吧。

例句3:You'd better not go out.你最好别出门。

4、be afraid to do something(be afraid of doing something):害怕做某事 

例句1:I am afraid to go out alone.(I am afraid of going out alone.) 我害怕一个人出去。

例句2:He is afraid to talk to strangers.(.He is afraid of talking with strangers.) 他害怕和陌生人说话。

例句3:Tom is afraid to climb the tree.(Tom is afraid of climbing the tree.)汤姆害怕爬树。

5、like doing something:喜欢做某事

例句1: John like listening to music 约翰喜欢听音乐。

例句2:I really like reading books.我真的喜欢看书

例句3:He likes playing football. 他喜欢踢足球。

6、be good for:对……有好处;be bad for:对……有害

例句1:Reading aloud is good for your English .大声朗读对于你学习英语有好处。

例句2:Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes.在太阳下看书对我们的眼睛不好。

例句3:Early rising is good for our health. 早起对我们的身体有好处。

7、be good at: 擅长于;be weak in:不擅长于 


例句1:You can’t be good at everything. 你不可能擅长所有事情。.

例句2:Tom is weak in Engilsh. 彼得不擅长英语.

例句2:I used to be weak in Math. 我曾经数学不好


例句1:She is as tall as her mother.她和她母亲一样高。

例句2:Tom runs as fast as Peter. 汤姆和彼得跑的一样快。

例句3:He plays the guitar as well as you. 他的吉他弹得和你一样好。

9、come from和be from都表示来自于,两个短语可以互换,后面加地点。

注:用come from的时候一定要注意主语的单复数,如果主语是第三人称单数,在一般现在时里,come后要加s.

例句1:Emily comes from Holland. (Emily is from Holland)艾米丽来自荷兰。

例句2:Where do the lists come from? 这些列表是从哪里来的?

例句3:Both of us come from Shanhai.我们都来自上海。

10、ask somebody for…:求助,向…要

例句1: I must ask you for help. 我必须求助你。

例句2: He asks his mum for toys. 他问他妈妈要玩具。

11、be full of 或者be filled with都表示充满,装满…,两个短语可以互换


例句1:The bag was full of fruit.(The bag was filled with fruit.)这个袋子里装满了水果。

例句2:The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子里装满了水。

例句3:The train was full of people.火车上挤满了人。


例句1: Tom prefers racing to swimming. 比起游泳,汤姆更喜欢跑步。

例句2: She prefers her mother to me. 比起我来,她更喜欢她的妈妈。

例句3: She prefers Chinese to English.比起英语她更喜欢语文。

13、lend somebody something(lend something to somebody):把某物借给某人

例句1: I lent him a book.(I lent a book to him )我借给他一本书。

例句2: Can you lend me a ruler?( Can you lend a rule to rme?) 你借我一把尺子吗? 练习:

例句3:Tom lent Peter a pen.(Tom lent a pen to Peter .)汤姆借给彼得一把钢笔。

14、try to do something:尽力做某事

例句1:Try to do something useful. 试着去做点有益的事吧。

例句2:I always try to do something different each summer .每个夏天我都试着做些不同的事情

例句3:We try to do something to help them.我们试着做些什么来帮助他们

15、enjoy doing something:喜欢做某事

例句1: I enjoy learning English.我喜欢学习英语。

例句2:I enjoy listening music. 我喜欢听音乐。

例句3: Jack enjoys his job in the town.杰克喜欢他在镇上的工作。

16、start to do something(begin to do something):开始做某事

例句1: Think hard before you start to do something. (Think hard before you begin to do something. )仔细想想,然后再开始做一些事情。

例句2: You had better start to do it at once,你最好马上就开始做。

例句3: Let's begin to play football.让我们开始踢足球吧。

17、all kinds of:各种各样的

例句1: There are all kinds of school things in the store. 店里有各种各样的学校用具。

例句2: People have all kinds of ideas.人们有各式各样的想法。

18、would like:愿意,想要

例句1: I would like some cake.我想要一些蛋糕。

例句2:Yes, I would like to come with you. 是的,我愿意跟你一起去。

例句3:Would you like something to eat?你想吃点什么吗?

19、It's time to:该到做某事的时间了

例句1: It's time to get up.该是起床的时候了。

例句2: It's time to find a new job。该是找个新工作的时候了。

例句3:It's time to leave.该是离开的时候了。

20、what's wrong with(what's the matter with):怎么了

例句1: What's wrong with you? (What's the matter with you?) 你怎么了?

例句2: What's wrong with your face?你的脸怎么了?

例句3:What's the matter with her?她怎么了?

21、be made from:由……制成(制成之后看不出原材料) ;be made of:由……制成(制成之后还看得出原材料)

 例句1: Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头做成的。

 例句2: Desks are made of wood. 桌子是由木头做成的。 练习:a.选择

例句3:This bottle is made of glass. Wine is made from grapes.这个瓶子是用玻璃做的。 酒是葡萄酿的。

22、It is a good idea to:做某事是个好主意

例句1: It is a good idea to go out. 出去走走是个好主意。

例句2:Running is a good idea.去跑步是一个好主意。

例句3:It's a good idea to eat on time.按时吃饭是一个好主意。

23、far from someplace: 离某地很远

例句1: Our school is far from my home. 我们学校离我家很远。

例句2: The library is far from the hospital.图书馆离医院很远。

例句3: Our classroom is far from the teachers' office.我们的教室离老师办公室很远。

24、be happy to:很高兴做

例句1: I am happy to see you. 很高兴见到你。

例句2:I’d be happy to tell you about my experiences. 我很高兴和你们分享我的经验。

例句3:I 'm happy to talk with you.我很高兴与你交谈。

25、be ready for :为 ……做好准备;be ready to do :准备好去做......

例句1: He is ready for the exam. 他为考试做了准备。 He is ready to take the exam. 他准备好去考试。

例句2: Be ready for anything. 对一切都做好准备。

例句3: Mom and I are ready to go to shopping.妈妈和我准备好要去购物了。

26、along with:同……一起,伴随

例句1: I will go along with you. 我将和你一起去。

例句2:The students plant trees along with their teachers. 学生同老师一起种树。

例句3:He came along with some friends. 他和几个朋友一道来的。

27、keep somebody doing something:让某人一直做

例句1: Hurry up! Don't keep them waiting too long. 快点,不要让他们等太久。 练习 a.翻译

例句2:His parents often keep him playing the piano.他的父母经常让他弹钢琴。

28、consider doing something:考虑去做某事

例句1: You can consider going to GuangZhou. 你可以考虑去广州。

例句2: You may consider buying this dress.你可以考虑买这件衣服。

29、a lot of (lots of):许多,大量(后接可数名词或者不可数名词)

例句1: There are a lot of apple trees near the house(There are lots of apple trees near the house) . 房子周围有很多苹果树。

例句2: There is a lot of water in the pool.池子里有大量的水.

例句3: There are a lot of clothes in the shop.店里有许多衣服。

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