










1. what + ever = Whatever

“anything at all” or “it doesn't matter what”


For example:

We can watch whatever movie you like.


Whatever, I’ll see you then.


He said he deleted you on WeChat. Whatever…I don’t care anymore.


2. when + ever = whenever

“any time at all” or “it doesn't matter when”


For example:

Whenever you want to come visit is fine with me.


Whenever you miss me I will be here.


3. where + ever = wherever

Wherever -”any place at all” or “it doesn't matter where”


For example:

Sit wherever you like. / Sit wherever.


She is shadowed by detectives wherever she goes.


4. who + ever = whoever

Whoever - “any person at all” or “it doesn't matter who”


For example:

Give this to Jack or Rose - or whoever.


Whoever is responsible for this will be punished.


5. which + ever = whichever

Whichever - “any one at all” or “it doesn't matter which”


For example:

Whichever way you look at it, things are pretty bad.


It will be a difficult operation, whichever method you choose.


6. how + ever = however

However - “any way at all” or “it doesn't matter how”


For example:

This is a very cheap iPhone. However it's fake.


We have to finish, however long it takes.



1. Use these whenever you have the chance.


2. Whatever you are talking about try to put these into the conversation.


3. Use them everyday for a week and you”ll be sounding like an English master.


whatever - 随便什么

whenever - 随便何时

wherever - 随便何地

whoever - 随便何人

whichever - 随便哪个

however - 随便怎样