
collocations 搭配;词伙

topic specific 话题

demand for housing 对房屋的需求

impact on the environment 对环境的影响

use public transport 使用公共

receive education 接受教育

public transport systems are overcrowded 公共交通过于拥挤

gain/increase/acquire knowledge 学习知识

solve the problem or improve the situation 解决问题

exposure to violence 接触暴力

advertisements aimed at children 针对儿童的广告

prompt 促使某人做某事 prompt sb to do sth

promote 推广;促进; a product 推广产品

electric cars 电力驱动汽车 electrical equipment 电器

destructive effect ; damage effect; harmful effect

environmental effect/impact

huge influence

consequence; result; outcome

consequence: 通常是指不好的的结果

dire consequences; environmental consequences;

unintended consequences

result: 通常指考试或者测试的结果exam results ; test results

outcome:指达到的成果 learning outcome; achieve outcomes

In a globalized economy, investors from rich countries have flocked to the developing world in search of business opportunities. 在全球化的背景下,很多国家的有钱人跑去发展中国家投资

Students can expand their skills set(增加不同的技能) at university and these well-rounded graduates (全面发展的毕业生)can complete their tasks(完成任务) with ease (轻易的).文凭代表着学生各方面的综合能力得到提高,以后在工作单位如鱼得水。

mental health problems / mental diseases 指的是psychological problems 精神病,是比较严重的心理问题

contract a disease 指传染病

fall ill /suffer poor health 轻微的头疼、感冒、没有胃口

Recharge batteries 充电,不是指接受培训,而是表示人们去度假或者休闲

Basic necessities 生活必须品,如住房,医疗服务,能源和水

essentials /household goods 生活中使用的一些产品,生活用品

field work 是科学家或者做研究的人去现场进行勘查,实地组实验

internship or work placements 公司里实习

1、 Do you do housework at home?

是的 因为我觉得做家务是一种运动,对我的健康好

Yes,I do,because I think it is a good physical activity which is beneficial to my health.

Yes,I do, because it is a kind of physical exercise,which can help me stay healthy.


No,I don’t have time to do housework,because I am busy with my studies. I have a lot of assignments to do.

No, I don’t have a lot of free time to do household chores because I have to focus on my assignment.

2、Do you live in a house or a flat?(adj.平坦的; 水平的; 平滑的;n.公寓; 一套房间; 单元房; (某物的)平面部分; (尤指水边的)平地; 低洼地;adv.(尤指贴着另一表面)平直地,平躺地; 断然; 直截了当地; 低于标准音高;)

住flat 因为中国城市拥挤,一般人买不起房子,只能住flat.

I'm currently living in a small flat ,because cities in China are very crowded and most People are not able to afford a house. They have to live in apartment buildings.

At the moment, I live in a small flat, because cities are densely populated in China and buying a house is una have to live in apartment blocks(公寓大楼)

住flat 因为我在大城市里工作,和同事合租一个房子。

I’m living in a flat, since I work in a large city. I don’t live with my parents and I rent a flat with my colleagues(同事).

I live in a flat. I share a studio with my colleagues to save money. The cost of living is rather high in this city.

3、Are there many advertisements in your country?


Yes, there are many advertisements. People’s income has increased significantly, and they have a lot of money to buy things.

Yes, we can see advertisements nearly everywhere. Chinese people have become better off, and they have spare money to buy whatever they like .

4、 Do you have many books at home?


Yes,I have a lot of books at home, because I think reading can make me knowledgeable and help me advance my career.

Yes,I have heaps of books at strongly believe books are a source of knowledge and can contribute to my career advancement.


Not really, because there are many e-books online, and you can read them for free. It’s not necessary to buy books.

No,I don’t buy books. There are many digital books available on the Internet. They are free.

5、Is chocolate popular in China?


Yes, chocolate has become increasingly popular in China, and it’s customary(惯常的,习俗的) for many young people to buy chocolate for their girlfriends.

Yes, many people today love to buy chocolate on special occasions, such as Valentine’s Day. It’s the custom to do so.


No, I don’t think so. Chocolate is unhealthy. Eating chocolate and other sweets can cause obesity and tooth decay.

Not really. We all know that chocolate is not health. We can become overweight and have bad teeth.

6、Are you close to your family?


No. I am too busy with my work so I hardly spend time talking to my parents.

No. Most of the time,I have a tight timetable, so it’s difficult for me to make time to talk to my parents.


1、Do you like where you live?


Yes,I do,because it’s easy to get around. I can walk to the bus station every day.

Yes, it’s a nice place. There are many forms of transport available. The bus station is within the walking distance.


No, not at all, because it’s rather noisy. My neighbours love partying. They play loud music from time to time. It’s really annoying.

No, I’d possibly move to a new place shortly. Nobody likes next to rowdy neighbours. They play loud music when they have parties. It’s really annoying.

2、Do you prefer to speak to people by phone or by writing emails?


It depends on the situation. If I am in a hurry, I’d like to make phone calls. If I want to talk about things in detail, I’d love to write emails.

It’s hard to say, but I would call somebody on the phone, if I want to save time. If I want to save time . If I want others to understand me clearly, I might choose to send emails.

3、Is there anything you dislike about your hometown?


I don’t like the ways people manage waste. They don’t protect our environment well. Many people drop litter. Streets are awash with rubbish.

Waste management is the main problem. People in my hometown don’t pay attention to their responsibility to community. They drop litter. It’s not easy to clean up waste.

4、Do you like cooking?Why/Why not?


Sometimes, I like cooking a meal at home, which is healthy, since I can choose fresh ingreddients.

Yes, as long as I have free time. I think home-cooked meals are healthy, since I can buy fresh ingredients.

5、Do you prefer to write by hand or a computer?


It depends on what I’m doing. I’d like to use the computer most of time because it’s faster, but I’d like to write things by hand if I want to make notes.

It really depends on what I write. I would prefer the computer for most things, but I’d like to make notes by hand.

6、Do you like to send expensive gifts?


Yes, I do. It’s a nice feeling when I see my family or friends recieve gifts. They know I care about them.

Yes, I do. It’s a great feeling to see my parents or friends open presents. They know I care about them.

7、What outdoor sports do you like?


I don’t have any favorite sport, but I like jogging, gentle exercise. Running with friends is nice, and it’s also a good way to meet new friends.

I don’t have a great liking for any sport, but I normally go for a jog with my friends. I can handle this kind of gentle exercise, and it’s also a good way to make new friends.

8、Do you like to be a leader?


No, definitely not. Because it’s not something I’m good at. I don’t know how to motivate others to work hard.

No, that would be the last thing I’d like to do. I am not good at leading others. I have no idea how to encourage others to work hard.

9、Do you prefer to study alone or with others? Why?


I prefer to study alone, because I’d be more productive. It’s easier to concentrate on my work. I won’t get distracted.

I think I prefer to study alone, because I could achieve more. It’s easier to stay focused. There are fewer distractions.