The next morning I woke up early and didn't eat breakfast. My mother said that I was tossing and turning in bed at night, sighing all the time. I went to the hotel lobby very early, waiting for the driver to open the door, and the girl came down early. She is still dressed in white, but I feel that she and I have been strangers, this time my heart has been very alert. I had reserved tickets to Potala Palace and train tickets back to Lanzhou, which I didn't tell her.


The girl is complaining about sleeping very cold last night, I think, that is not be said to me. Everyone got on the bus. The boy's family hadn't left the room. The driver was angry. The girl ran up and down to call them, and brought them breakfast, all this seems to be so familiar, but the protagonist of the service is no longer me.


My mind is completely not in the travel, I ruthlessly do not think about last night, but she is so real behind me. Today's game, they did not call me, they played together, and I was silent, head against the glass window into meditation. When I opened the coke, It had a high altitude reaction, and it quickly sprayed out, spraying all over my pants. Before I could react, the girl wiped my pants with paper behind her. I'm confused. What is she thinking? If she doesn't like me at all, why should she do such intimate behavior.


It took me all night to freeze my heart, and at this moment it melted again. This is the first time I fall in love with a girl in 6 years, so easily attracted by others? Where is that boy better than me? People with a little bit of life experience can see that he is a dissolute young man, and all he spends is his girlfriend's money. The girl looks so smart. How could she make such a mistake? My eyes are wet, and the damned driver is still playing love songs. I can't control my tears. I'm still out of control, and in this state, I'm hardly aware of any other woman. But I would laugh and cry for her.


When I got to Pagsum Lake(巴松措), I got out of the car like a walking corpse and walked to the lake island alone. The sky is so blue, the water is so green, and my heart is as dead as this lake. Everyone in the car saw something wrong with me. A girl came up to me and said to me, why are you not happy with the beautiful scenery. At this time, I realized the existence of the girl in red. She was a literary girl with glasses. I did not speak, but her words like the spring breeze swept my mind, blowing a little ripples.


In the afternoon, I am a lot more cheerful, those sad love songs can no longer affect me. It's 7:30 p.m. when I got back to Lhasa, my mother and I took a taxi and went back to the hotel. We didn't pay attention to the first girl (for the sake of distinction, I call her girl in white). The girl in White said she would go to our hotel for oxygen, but the boy's girlfriend did not hesitate to send her back to her hotel. As I guess, once my mother and I quit, the boy's girlfriend won't allow the girl in white to play with them. The girl in white is just wishful thinking, just like I did to her.


The next day, I still hope to have an ending with the girl in white. I confessed to her that hat I need an answer from her. As I expected, she turned me down and said she had a very good boyfriend. I told her that I would never rob someone else's girlfriend, never. I asked her out for a chat in the afternoon, but she refused. If you think this is the end, it's wrong again, and a new turning point is still ahead.


Climbing Potala Palace really a perseverance and physical training. Because the Potala Palace is 3700 meters above sea level and the building height is more than 100 meters. It's easy to climb 11 floors on the flat ground, but it's not so easy on the plateau. The whole building is built on the mountain, and the White Wall winds up like a spiral dragon. This is a religious building, different from the bustling tourists in other places, it is more peaceful and pious. The first level of green brick has been trampled off the water chestnut by pedestrians, like the world's smooth general, carrying the heavy pace of pedestrians, step by step to their destination.


The process of climbing was painful. My heart beat reached 160 at one time, which was a very dangerous signal, and I almost wanted to give up. But I once again got up the courage to go up to the next level. When you really enter this Buddhist temple, all the discomfort is forgotten. The smell of butter permeates the air, which brings a sense of mystery to the solemn hall. Although the crowd, but the whole environment is very quiet, we line up to quietly forward.


Potala Palace is not only a temple, but also a large library of Buddhist classics. A large number of scriptures written in shell leaves are preserved here, which are very precious raw materials. Princess Wencheng's entry into Tibet also brought mature papermaking technology. Tibetan craftsmen, after years of exploration, produced Tibetan paper with unique technology without the conditions of papermaking in the Central Plains. Tibetan paper is made from bark fiber and root fiber of Stellera chamaejasme (a plant). Because of its toxicity, Tibetan paper is not afraid of being bitten by insects and rats.


From the Potala Palace, I met "Kekexili", the girl in red who comforted me in the middle of the lake yesterday. The four of us went to the Jokhang Temple. She was a talkative girl, sensitive and delicate. Coming out of the Jokhang Temple, I asked her what she had planned for the afternoon. She said that she wanted to go to one of the most romantic cafes in Lhasa. I was very interested in it, so we made an appointment to go to.


It's not a short distance. It's about 2 kilometers. I'd like to take a taxi. But she proposed to go from the alleys in Lhasa, which was happily decided. Passing a yogurt store, I asked the local women, how to sell this yogurt? She was at a loss, obviously not understanding what I was saying. I quickly changed a way of saying, how much is this? Now she understood and told me the price very kindly and politely. This reminds me that when learning English, only one usage can be learned, and others will ask or answer in a different way, and they will not be able to do so at all.


We had a wonderful yogurt, with a local porcelain bowl and a thick layer of butter on it. I haven't had that authentic yogurt for more than 10 years. I followed this literary girl all the way through the alley and a few blocks to the most romantic cafe. It's not just a cafe, it's an art museum. The oil paintings on the wall depict all kinds of Tibetan myths and stories I don't know about, such as deities and Buddhas, or maidens. Although they are not well-known, they are already good works of art. The roof is a sunshade terrace, fresh air, warm sunshine, did not expect Lhasa there is such a literary and artistic place.


We each ordered a cup of coffee and shared our travel stories as we bathed in the sun. After talking about travel, we talked about photography. After talking about photography, we talked about literature. Unexpectedly, we had a lot of common topics. The more we talk, the more we get along with each other. Before we know it, it's sunset. After a simple dinner in the cafe, we found a bar together, ordered a drink and continued to talk about our life story.


We're drinking there, something happened at my hotel. My mother told me that the girl in white was sitting in the lobby of my hotel. I'm a little surprised. Who is she waiting for? Is she waiting for me? Didn't she definitely refuse me? At this time, the first brother of the co pilot finished his work, so I quickly asked him to have a drink. Then I told him something about the girl in white. He said that it was too rude for me to make a confession like this. When I came up, I would report the number of houses and properties of my family. The girl would be very ashamed if she promised me. It's really my fault. I didn't think of that.


When I returned to the hotel, it was already more than 11 p.m., and I was surprised to find that the girl in white was still sitting in the lobby. I thought she had already gone back. I took a look at her. Her eyes were hard to describe. She was a little embarrassed and a little expectant, but she soon recovered to be calm, like the lake on a snow mountain. I couldn't figure out her purpose. I bought something at the counter and went back to my room. Maybe I was too cruel. When I came back to the room, I was thinking about her, But I can't go to her.


At noon the next day, I was awakened from my meditation by the sound of the train's starting whistle. Although I had left Lhasa, I left my heart here. This is a very complex mood, I forced to stop the story before it should be over. Or maybe it shouldn't have happened at all. But it happened. It was like a fire meeting an iceberg. The iceberg melted, turned into a glacier, and put out the fire.


It's time to leave. The adaptation of altitude reaction, physical and mental fatigue, mood repetition, emotional ups and downs, and a few days of travel have brought me an unusual life experience. In the past, people said that traveling to Tibet could wash the soul, but I didn't believe it. But this time I'm sure it's true. I've got a deeper experience of love and humanity here. This is the punch in place for life. Goodbye Lhasa, goodbye Linzhi, goodbye 318, I will come again.


[ The end of the story]



Later, I apologized to her online. It was all my fault. If it wasn't for my out of control, there would not have been so many stories and she would not have been lonely in the end. She said to me, "good intentions do not pay off.". My story is over here, but her trip has not been completed. I hope she will have a good time in the following days.



After I got home, I slept for 12 hours in one breath. I not only recovered my spirit and state, but also reached the peak of fighting spirit, just like I got a new life. Anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


