Word of the Day:February 6, 2022



adjective [ləˈɡubriəs]

What It Means

Lugubrious means "mournful" or "dismal." It can also mean "very sad in an exaggerated or insincere way."

Lugubrious 的意思是“悲伤的”或“悲惨的”。 它也可以表示“以夸张或不真诚的方式非常悲伤”。


"Would [Steve Spielberg's] notoriously ill-received 1941 have worked as a musical? Maybe not; it might well have retained the moments where its spectacle turns lugubrious, straining and burdening the comedy that's supposed to hold it up. On the other hand, while it's uneven as a comedy, 1941 is a marvel of choreography." — Jesse Hassenger, Paste Magazine, 6 Dec. 2021

“史蒂夫·斯皮尔伯格非常不受欢迎的《1941》能成功制成音乐剧吗?或许不会;喜剧中的它也许可能保留了悲壮的、紧张的和沉重的场面。另一方面, 虽然它成为另类的喜剧,但《1941》是舞蹈编排上的奇迹。”

Did You Know?

Lugubrious is the sole surviving English offspring of Latin lugēre, meaning "to mourn." Its closest kin, luctual, an adjective meaning "sad" or "sorrowful," was put to rest centuries ago.

Lugubrious 是拉丁语 lugēre 唯一幸存的英文的后代,意思是“to mourn「悲伤」”。 与它最亲近单词 luctual,形容词,意思是“sad「难过的」”或“sorrowful「悲伤的」”,几个世纪前就被消失了。


Fill in the blanks to complete a synonym of lugubrious: d _ l _ _ u _.
