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时间:2023-04-15 18:24:55 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Build up your Confidence 建立你的自信

confidence英 [ˈkɒnfɪdəns] 美 [ˈkɑːnfɪdəns]

n. 自信,信心;信任,信赖;把握,肯定;保密,机密;秘密,知心话

[ 复数 confidences ]


confidence interval [统计] 置信区间 ; 可信区间 ; 平均值的信赖区间

confidence level [统计] 置信水平 ; 可信度

Self-confidence 自信心 ; 要绝对自信 ; 基因 ; 建立自信心

motion of no confidence 不信任动议 ; 不信任投票

Confidence limit [统计] 置信界限 ; 置信极限 ; 可信限

in confidence 推心置腹地 ; 信任 ; 私下地

confidence man 骗子 ; 诈取他人财物者 ; 自信的男人

Confidence Coefficient [统计] 置信系数 ; 信赖系数 ; [统计] 置信度 ; 可靠系数


confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ CET4 TEM4

1. N-UNCOUNT If you have confidence in someone, you feel that you can trust them. 信任

例:I have every confidence in you.


例:This has contributed to the lack of confidence in the FDA.


2. N-UNCOUNT If you have confidence, you feel sure about your abilities, qualities, or ideas. 自信心

例:The band is in excellent form and brimming with confidence.


3. N-UNCOUNT If you can say something with confidence, you feel certain it is correct. 把握

例:I can say with confidence that such rumours were totally groundless.


4. N-UNCOUNT If you tell someone something in confidence, you tell them a secret. 保密

例:We told you all these things in confidence.


例:Even telling Lois seemed a betrayal of confidence.


5. PHRASE If you take someone into your confidence, you tell them a secret. 向某人吐露秘密


confidence in 对……信任

with confidence 满怀信心地

consumer confidence 消费信任度

have confidence in 对…有信心

confidence level 置信级;可信度;信赖水准;置信水平(等于confidence coefficient)

investor confidence 投资信心;投资者信任

confidence interval 置信区间,可靠区间

in confidence 秘密地

business confidence 经营信心,商业信心

build confidence 树立信心

degree of confidence 可信度,置信度;信赖度

crisis of confidence 信任危机

vote of confidence 信任票;赞同;支持

consumer confidence index 消费者信心指数

level of confidence 信心程度;置信水平

confidence limit 置信界限;置信限度

vote of no confidence 不信任投

crisis of confidence 信任危机

vote of confidence 信任票;赞同;支持

consumer confidence index 消费者信心指数

level of confidence 信心程度;置信水平

confidence limit 置信界限;置信限度

vote of no confidence 不信任投票

confidence probability 置信概率,信赖机率

confidence trick 骗局;欺诈

give one's confidence to 信任,信赖


Her confidence had never flagged.


He emanates power and confidence.


His confidence is still sky-high.


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