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时间:2023-03-19 18:15:59 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

2016: confess one's love to (his / her) back against the wall. / Kabe-Don; wall bam(壁咚:英文词条来源于knowyourmeme.com)

2.the official meaning:

grin 露齿笑

the actual meaning:

Hey, you there? Can you do me a favor? 嘿,在吗?能帮我个忙吗?

3.the official meaning:

Give me five! 击掌庆祝下~

the actual meaning:

(put palms together devoutly虔诚的) to pray for you. / Everything will be ok.


4.the official meaning:

smile away one's tears / smile through one's tears / tears give way to smiles 破涕为笑

the actual meaning:

That's super funny.太好笑了。

Gosh, it makes me laugh to tears. 厉害了我的哥,我要笑哭了。

Oh my god! I almost have died laughing. 我的天,快笑死宝宝了。

LMAO(laugh my ass off)笑翻了。(网络缩略语)

5.The official meaning:

smile (friendly) 微笑

The actual meaning:

(for an awkward silence) Hey, pretentious(炫耀的,自命不凡的) guy,you really don't know how foolish you are,do you?


6.The official meaning:

paint nails 涂指甲油

The actual meaning:

That's so boring. I would rather paint my nails than listen to …. (Joking)



meme [mi:m]

n.a cultural unit (an idea or value or pattern of behavior) that is passed from one generation to another by non-genetic means (as by imitation)文化基因,文化因子

n.表情包usually with acaption(字幕;说明)on the top





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