abandon v.丢弃;放弃,抛弃

abandon oneself to纵情于...;沉溺于...

e.g.He abandoned himself to despair.他陷入绝望。

ability n.能力;能耐;本领

lack the ability to do sth.缺少做

e.g.He was a man of extraordinary abilities.他是个有非凡能力的人

able adj能;有能力的;出色的

be able to do sth能够做某事

e.g.She is able to speak English.她会说英语
abnormal adj反常的;不正常的;异常的

e.g.It is abnormal to eat so much.吃这么多是不正常的。

aboard adv在船上/车上/飞机上

e.g.It's time to go aboard.是时候上船了。

abroad adv在国外;到国外;在流传中

go abroad去外国

My mother has never been abroad我母亲从未出国过

absence n.缺席;缺乏

e.g.absence of sunlight caused the plants to die.阳光的缺乏导致了植物的死亡

absent adj缺席的;心不在焉的;缺乏的

be absent from sth.缺席某事物

e.g.She is absent from school.她没有上学。

absolute adj绝对的;断然的;确凿的;专断的

e.g.She has absolute trust in him.她完全信任他。

absolutely adv.绝对地;断然地;极其;当然

She absolutely adores you.她绝对崇拜你。

absorb v.吸收;掌握;吸引;吞并;消减;承受

be absorbed in全神贯注。。。

e.g.Black cloth absorbs light.黑布吸收光线。

abstract adj抽象的;理论上的;抽象(派)的

A rose is beautiful,but beauty itself is abstract.玫瑰是美丽的,但美本身是抽象的。

abundant adj大量的

abundant in富于。。。的

abundant supplies of food充足的食物供应

e.g.This area is abundant in cotton.这个地区棉花资源丰富。

abuse v.虐待;对⋯进行性虐待;滥用;辱骂n.虐待;性虐待;滥用;辱骂

He abused his privileges by taking too long a holiday.他滥用特权,休了太长的假。

They abused each other.他们互相辱骂。

academic adj大学的;学业的;学术的;学业优

academic research学术研究

e.g.That idea is of great academic interest这个想法引起了学术界的极大兴趣。

academy n.研究院;专科院校;中等学校

Academy Awards奥斯卡金像奖

He is an English teacher at the Seattle Academy for Arts and Sciences.他是西雅图艺术与科学学院的英语教师。

accelerate v.加快

e.g.She accelerated her car and passed the bus in front.她加速了她的车,在前面超过了公共汽车。

acceleration n.加速;加快;加速度

e.g.The new car has good acceleration.这辆新车的加速度很好。

accent n.口音;重音;重音符号

British accent英式发音

e.g.Her accent betrayed her nationality她的口音暴露了她的国籍

acceptable adj.可接受的;可容忍的;受欢迎的

Her proposal is quite acceptable.她的建议是可以接受的。

acceptance n.接受;赞成;忍受;承兑;验收

e.g.The new laws have gained widespread acceptance.新的法律得到了广泛的接受。

access n.入口;享用机会;探视权;存取

gain access to得以接近。。。

e.g.Students in this university have access to all kinds of books.这所大学的学生可以阅读各种书籍。

accessory n.附件;附件

They sell machines with necessary accessories.他们出售带有必要配件的机器

accidents n.意外事故

have an accident出事故

by accident意外地,偶然

e.g.She had a car accident last year.她去年出了车祸。

I met my English teacher by accident at the bus shop.我在公共汽车商店偶然遇见了我的英语老师。

accidental adj意外的;偶然的

The scientific discovery was accidental.科学发现是偶然的

accommodate v.为⋯提供住宿;容纳;适应;为⋯提

e.g.This hotel can accomodate 500 guests.这家旅馆可容纳500名客人。

The classroom is large enough to accommodate 50 students.教室足够容纳50名学生。

accommodation n.住所;和解

e,g,Accommodation in London is really expensive.在伦敦住真的很贵

accompany v.伴随.

e.g.Thunder accompanies lightning.雷声伴随着闪电

She accompanied me on the guitar.她用吉他陪我。

Children accompanied by adults can participate in this program.由成人陪同的儿童可参加这一方案

accomplish v.完成;达到;结束

The task will not be accomplished in a few days.几天内完成不了这项任务。

accord v. n.一致;协议

in accord with与。。。的一致。

e.g.My opinion is in accord with his.我的意见与他的一致。

accordance n.依照;与⋯相称

in accordance with按照

She did it in accordance with the instruction.她按照指示做了这件事

accordingly adv.=therefore因此;相应地

e.g.I forget to close the door ,accordingly,the dog got out.我忘了关上门,于是狗就出来了。

We have to discover his plans and act accordingly.我们必须发现他的计划并采取相应的行动。

account n.帐户

open an account开户

on account of=because of为。。。理由

account for说明;解释;成为。。。的原因;导致

e.g.The witness gave an account of the plane crash.证人叙述了飞机坠毁的情况。

accumulate v.积累

She accumulated a fortune by selling home-made cup-cakes.她靠卖自制的杯饼赚了一大笔钱

accuracy n.精确

e.g.I doubt the accuracy of your statement.我怀疑你陈述的准确性。

accurate adj.精确的

She is quick and accurate at fingures.她的手指敏捷而准确。

accuse v.指责;指控

My deskmate accused me of cheating.我的同桌指责我作弊。

police officer was accused of taking bribes.警察被指控收受贿赂。

accustom v.使习惯于

be accustomed to日以为常

The policeman is trying to accustom his dog to his voice.警察正试图使他的狗习惯于他的声音。

accustomed adj.惯常的

He took his accustomed walk after dinner.晚饭后,他习惯了散步。

ache n. 疼痛v.持续疼痛。。。

My head ached all night.我整晚都头疼。

achieve v.达到;实现;取得;获得=accomplish

achieve one's aim达到目的

e.g.She has achieved a decent grade by hard work.通过努力,她取得了不错的成绩。

achievement n.成就;成绩;实现

Mother teresa won a Nobel Peace prize for her remarkable achievement.特蕾莎修女因其非凡的成就而获得诺贝尔和平奖

acid adj.酸的;有酸味的;酸性的;讥讽的;尖酸刻薄的

e.g.An orange is an acid fruit.橘子是一种酸性水果。

Your acid remarks are not welcomed.你的尖刻言论是不受欢迎的

acquaintance n.相识的人;结识;了解

make the acquaiintance of sb.认识某人

e.g.I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.那时我认识了几个音乐家。

acquire v.获得;购得;得到;习得

She acquired an American accent while living in the US.她住在美国时有一种美国口音。

act n行为 v见效;行动

act as充当; 担当;扮演;担任

e.g.He acted as if he had never heard of it.他表现得好像从未听说过。

action n.行动;作战;情节;诉讼;机械装置

take action行动;采取行动

e.g.The government is taking emergency action to deal with the demonstration.政府正在采取紧急行动处理示威活动。

active adj.积极的;活跃的;主动的;正在审

e.g.With three active little kids running around ,there was plenty to keep me busy.有三个活跃的小孩子四处跑来跑去,我有很多事要忙。

activity n.活跃;活动

e.g.I am used to getting 60 minutes of physical activity every day.我习惯了每天做60分钟的体育锻炼。

actor n.演员;参与者

e.g.Russell Ira Crowe is one of my favourite actors.拉塞尔·艾拉·克罗是我最喜欢的演员之一。

actress n.女演员

e.g.She is more than a great dramatic actress;she is also the mother of three adopted girls.她不仅仅是一个伟大的戏剧演员,她还是三个被收养的女孩的母亲。

actual adj.实际的;真实的;严格意义上的

e.g.The actual cost of the repair was much higher than the estimate.修理的实际费用比估计的要高得多。

actually adv,的确;确切地;竟然;实际上

e.g.Our turnover actually increasted last year.我们的营业额去年实际上增加了

acute adj.尖锐的;

e.g.When she lost her sight,her other senses grew more acute.当她失明时,她的其他感觉变得更加敏锐

ad n.广告

e.g.The ad has run in the paper for a week.这个广告在报纸上刊登了一个星期了

adapt v.调整⋯以适用;改编

adapt to使适应。。。;习惯于

e,g,Mary was quick to adapt herself to the college life.玛丽很快就适应了大学生活。

add v.加起来;加;做加法;增添;增加;又说;补充说;继续说

add up加起来;总计

e.g.If you add ten to ten,you get twenty.如果你把十加十,你就得二十。

Next,add some water to the mixture.接下来,在混合物中加入一些水。

"Don't forget to call me,"she added.别忘了给我打电话,”她补充道。

addition n.加法;新增人员;添加物

e.g.He is good at addition.他擅长加法。

There is no room for addition.没有加法的余地。

additional adj.额外的

e.g.You can insert additional papers into that notebook.你可以在那本笔记本上插入更多的文件。

address n地址;演说;称呼.v.在⋯上写姓名地址;向⋯发表演说

e.g.The police finally found the victim's address.警察终于找到了受害者的地址。

The president gives a television address every Sunday.总统每周日发表电视讲话。

adequate adj.足够的;适当的;能胜任的;过得

e.g.She was adequate to the job.她胜任这项工作。

The old methods weren't adequate to meet current needs.旧的方法不足以满足目前的需要

adejective n.形容词adj.形容词的

e.g.It is often used with a possessive adjective.调节;适应;校准;调整

adjust v.调整;整理;调节;理算⋯的金额

adjust oneself to调整自己

adjust to sth适应;习惯

e.g.The eyes need several minutes to adjust to the dimness.眼睛需要几分钟才能适应昏暗。

She must learn to adjust herself to new life style.她必须学会适应新的生活方式。

administration n.管理;司法监管;执行;政府;

e.g.He works in hospital administration.他在医院管理部门工作

The administration of the law is very important.法律的管理是非常重要的。

admire v.羡慕;赞赏;欣赏

e.g.I admired him for his frankness.我钦佩他的坦率。

He admired her new blouse.他钦佩她的新上衣

admission n.准许进入;入场费;承认

admission tickets入场券

e.g.Do the pubs charge for admission?酒吧入场收费吗?

admit v.承认;供认;准许⋯进入;允许⋯加入

admit to doing sth承认做某事

e.g.The little boy refused to admit to breaking the window.小男孩拒绝承认打破了窗户。

adopt v.领养;提名;选用;移居;采用;采

e.g.The manager decided to adopt her suggestion.经理决定采纳她的建议。

He adopted the orphan as his own son.他收养了那个孤儿作为他自己的孩子。

adult adj.成年的;成人的;成熟的;色情的n.成年人

e.g.I've lived most of my adult life in London.我成年后大部分时间都住在伦敦。

advance v.n.推进;发展;预付款;增加

in advance of在。。。之前

e.g.Because of reform and opening up,China's industial technology is advancing to ever-higher levels.改革开放以来,我国工业技术水平不断提高.

advanced adj.高级的;高阶的;超前的;先进的

advanced technology先进技术

Ancient Greece was an advanced civilization.古希腊是一个先进的文明