to date到此为止
up to date现代的;直到最近的
date back to追溯到;从…开始有
day in day out日复一日地,天天
day after day日复一日地

every other day每隔一天
have one's day走运;正在得意的时候
one day(过去或将来的)某一天
the other day在不久前某天
to a day一天也不差

without day不定期;无限制(休会)
a good deal许多,大量;…得多
deal in经营
deal out分配,分给
deal with做买卖;处理;安排

make a deal with与…做买卖;和…妥协
get into debt借债,负债
in debt to sb.欠某人的债
out of debt不欠债
decide for作对…有利的决定