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Do you love money? Please answer me honestly. What? What's wrong with you? You're gonna tell me you don't like the money? Come on, buddy!


I concede I like money too. But not that type of money you purchase something every day.


That's true, it's money issued by Bank to memorize big events. Like yesterday, our PBC started to accept the reservation of two banknotes which aims to memorize the Beijing-Zhangjiakou winter Olympic games that happen next Feb. More excited is one of them made by plastic. See the below picture.



Indeed, collecting paper money belongs to one of my favorite hobbies. I allocate a fraction of my income from my salary each month to satisfy my hobby. I think it's good.


Like this one, issued by Argentina to demonstrate they have the sovereignty of Falkland Islands, despite they won't have any chance to take it back. It's just an attitude.



Here is another interesting banknote, the most fantastic story about this banknote is not its value, instead, it's on the banknote, it incorrectly printed several places so that incurred criticism. Part of mistakes even is ridiculous, because they are common sense. Unbelievable!

这是另一张有趣的钞票,这张钞票最精彩的故事不是它的价值,而是它在钞票上,它印错了几个地方,招致了批评。 部分错误甚至是荒谬的,因为它们是常识。 难以置信的!


Every time, when I saw those paper money, I feel like more and as if I am a banker, and probably one day I will be wealthy enough. That feeling, in some sense, still encourages me to push forward.

每次看到那些纸币,我都觉得自己更像一个银行家,说不定哪天我就足够富有了。 这种感觉,在某种意义上,仍然鼓励我继续前进。

I used to tell myself, keep learning, keep rising, never give up. I think I was paid for my efforts. I won't regret it.

我曾经告诉自己,不断学习,不断上升,永不放弃。 我想我的努力得到了回报。 我不会后悔的。

My ultimate dream is to collect all of the banknotes worldwide. Therefore, bless me I am capable of collecting all of them earlier.

我的终极梦想是收集全世界所有的钞票。 因此,请保佑我能够更早地收集所有这些。

Next, I will show you part of my collection, hope my action can make more friends.
