
现代人(我):迷信 ~ 以人能否熬过苦难→决定对错


If a case could not be solved, it became a decision for the gods. The legal solution in Hammurabi’s code was a trial by ordeal, where the accused had to leap into the Euphrates River: “If he sink in the river his accuser shall take possession of his house. But if the river prove that the accused is not guilty, and he escape unhurt, then he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death.”


P52 苦难审判 6-12世纪

Judging legal cases by ordeal developed from the law codes of the Germanic peoples, which emerged in the 6th century ce after the fall of the Roman Empire. The practice arose where defendants and plaintiffs were not able to satisfy other modes of proof, such as providing a sufficient number of witnesses to swear to their version of the facts. Where a defendant was unable to provide witnesses or was considered to be untrustworthy, the chieftain or designated judges could resort to ordeal.


Water and fire

Several forms of ordeal became common in England and mainland Europe. Ordeal by hot water was first mentioned in the Salic Laws of the Franks (c. 507–511). The accused had to retrieve a stone from boiling water by dipping his hand into it. (The depth of the water depended on the severity of the crime.) The hand was bound and unwrapped 3 days later; if it had healed, the accused was deemed innocent. Ordeal by iron involved walking on red-hot irons or coals and examining the wound to see if it had festered or healed. Under the ordeal of the cross, the defendant and plaintiff were made to stand with their arms outstretched; the first one to drop his arms lost the case.


Guilty parties often paid a fine or fled rather than face an ordeal. The innocent—believing they would suffer no injury—submitted. The clergy who administered the ordeals understood this and did not wish the innocent to suffer, so they often cheated; “boiling” water would be merely hot, for example.

有罪的一方往往支付罚款或逃跑,而不是面对磨难。无辜的人相信他们不会受到任何伤害,于是就屈服了。实施折磨的神职人员明白这一点,不希望无辜者受苦,所以他们经常作弊;例如,"沸腾 "的水只是热的。

Trial by combat

While trials by ordeal were usually administered to the lower classes, wealthy parties made more use of trial by combat—effectively, judicial duels—as a mode of proof. This was because in some systems they were permitted to hire champions to fight for them, and because, at least in English law, trial by combat was available in respect of rights to land, which only the wealthy would have. Common in western Europe from at least the 9th century, the practice was imported into England after the Norman Conquest in 1066.


The rules of engagement for trial by combat varied in different countries. In England, each side agreed to the rules under the supervision of the judge, who determined if the case could be decided this way, and gauntlets were exchanged to symbolize that a challenge had been accepted. The combat lasted until one participant was killed, mortally wounded, or cried out “craven” to halt the fight. If the defendant was the loser, he suffered the original penalty for his crime and perhaps additional loss of property. If the plaintiff lost, he had to cede the case and pay a fine.

在不同的国家,战斗审判的交战规则有所不同。在英国,每一方都在法官的监督下同意这些规则,由法官决定案件是否可以以这种方式裁决,并交换战甲以象征挑战被接受。战斗一直持续到一名参与者被杀、受重伤或喊出 "懦夫 "来停止战斗。如果被告是失败者,他将受到对其罪行的原始惩罚,并可能遭受额外的财产损失。如果原告败诉,他必须放弃案件并支付罚款。

Disuse and abolition 废弃

In 1215, Pope Innocent III banned the clergy from practicing trials by f ire and water. Four years later, King Henry III banned the general use of trial by ordeal in England. Trial by combat gradually fell into disuse, and concerns about the practice paved the way for jury trial. By 1819, when trial by combat was removed from the UK statute book, it had become an antiquarian legal curiosity.




Punishments and rights Long after the Greek and Roman civilizations declined, barbaric forms of justice existed in medieval Europe. In the absence of evidence or credible witnesses, alleged offenders (usually the poor) could be tried by ordeal, their innocence gauged by how well they recovered f rom physical ordeals, such as scalding or burning.

惩罚和权利 在希腊和罗马文明衰落很久后,中世纪的欧洲还存在着野蛮的司法形式。在没有证据或可信证人的情况下,被指控的罪犯(通常是穷人)可以通过折磨来受审,根据他们在身体折磨(如烫伤或烧伤)后的恢复情况来衡量他们是否无辜。

Some disputes were settled by trial by combat: a physical fight. Trial by ordeal was banned by a 13th-century papal decree; trial by combat persisted much longer. Legal systems changed as people beyond a small ruling elite became richer and better educated. Apart from the poorest, ordinary citizens began to acquire greater rights and protections. Chapter 39 of Magna Carta, sealed in 1215, established the right to justice of every free man, a right later enshrined in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679. In England and Wales, poverty, too, was addressed in the Poor Law Act of 1601, which provided a very basic safety net for those at the bottom of society.



A significant innovation in the 12th century in England was the introduction of assize courts. These were convened from time to time in towns and cities, presided over by traveling judges. Assizes wrested control of the law from the church and bolstered the idea of a common law. They also required local jurors to give evidence and, after trial by ordeal fell into disuse, to judge guilt in a precursor of the jury system.


The role of jurors In a jury of presentment, the jurors had to report, under oath, to the justices on local suspects for the most serious crimes—murder, rape, and theft. Jurors did not have to decide on a suspect’s guilt: if the person had been apprehended committing the crime, his or her guilt could be presumed.

陪审员的作用 在预设的陪审团中,陪审员们必须在宣誓后向法官报告 向大法官报告当地最严重的犯罪嫌疑人的情况 最严重的罪行--谋杀、强奸和盗窃。和偷窃。陪审员不需要 决定嫌疑人是否有罪:如果该人是在实行犯罪中被逮捕,那么他或她的 罪行可以被推定。

The Assize of Clarendon had also replaced the previous practice of compurgation, by which the accused could prove innocence by producing a sufficient number of witnesses to swear to it. Trial by cold water now became the prime legal process of proof in criminal trials; it had earlier been used only on lower classes. Those found guilty by the ordeal faced a fine, confiscation of property, and the amputation of a foot; even those found innocent could be exiled if they were of ill repute. Large numbers of accused simply f led rather than face the ordeal, but their property could still be seized.


The Assize of Northampton in 1176 added arson and forgery to offenses to be dealt with by justices in eyre. Penalties became harsher, with the guilty suffering amputation of a hand as well as a foot.


Evolution of the jury

When the Fourth Lateran Council (a Roman Catholic synod in Rome) in 1215 forbade clerics from taking part in trials by ordeal, such trials were discounted as a practical method of determining guilt. Juries were now asked to judge whether defendants were innocent or guilty. This new role created a conflict of interest with the role of a jury of presentment, so in 1353, a statute of Edward III forbade a person f rom sitting on both forms of jury.



Trial by cold water, shown here in the 9th-century Codex Lambacensis, a manuscript of church rules, involved dropping the accused into a pond, lake, or river. If he sank, he was innocent.


#历史# #英语##审判##冷知识##笔记#