在我们的中学教材里就有一篇这样的文章: 有一个人每天晚上都要等楼上邻居靴子掉在地板上的声音才能安然入睡,一天晚上,楼上邻居扔了一只靴子,但当他想到这样会打扰到楼下的人就没有扔第二只靴子而是轻轻放下,但楼下的人苦苦等待了一晚上那第二只靴子掉地响声而失眠了。我们来看看今天的新


I’m leaving.

We’re done.

But, honey...

No, enough. I’m done.

I’m tired of fighting all the time.

But honey, wait...

You’ll never change.

We tried working things out. (pronounce ‘z’)

It just won’t work.

Staying with you is just waiting

for the other shoe to drop. Goodbye. (to = duh)


To wait for the next, seeminglyunavoidable(andtypicallynegative) thing to happen.

Wait for the other shoe to drop




To wait for the next, seemingly unavoidable thing to happen. This phrase often has a negative connotation.



Synonym - I am a sitting duck!


1.Mom said that Dad would punish us when he got home from work, so now we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. (to - duh)

2.I just ran a red light! Now I’m waiting for the

other shoe to drop when I get my ticket in the mail!

3.Now that she has a good enough job to leave her husband, we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop.