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时间:2023-03-10 02:45:02 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


hon,is it's gonna be difficult

What your father means,hon,is it ' s gonna be difficult-impossible even-for you to become a police officer .


right . there ' s never been a bunny COP。

“CP”是警察“Police officer”的口语称呼,源于“copper”(铜)。因为过去警察的徽章是铜做的。“COP”可以在任何情况下使用。

amen to that . carrot farming is a noble profession .

阿门(Amen)是祈祷词的结尾,意思是“I Agree”,是发自内心的坚定的“同意”,任何社交活动都可以包括商业。

where ' d the heck she go?

Gimme your tickets right now,or I ' m gonna kick your meek little sheep butt .

“Heck”是“hell”的温柔表达。“Gimme是‘Give me’的口语,不能用于商务活动。”Kick your butt”是挑衅性的词,是口头威胁的“打死你”等“Kick your Ass”的温柔表达,通常在两人开始身体争斗之前使用。在商务活动中,有时会说“This Project Is Really Kicking Mybutt”,这意味着工作遇到了一些麻烦,可能没有办法。

Ow!Cut it out,Gideon!

“cut it out”和“knock it off”都是“Stop it now”。)意思,不能用于商业活动。


Look it her nose twitch. She is scared!

“Look it”来自美国小孩对”look at it”的错误发音,是“看一下”的意思。如果用于商务场合,就带有兴奋、惊喜的情绪,例如:“Look it…We got the big account!!!!”

Yeah! That Gideon Grey doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ ‘bout.

“You don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout” 始于非裔美国人口语。现在多数美国人都会说这个,但是不用于商务场合,语气比较重,属于高级口语,用于争吵。

Listen, I don’t know what you’re doing skulking around during daylight hours, but I don’t want

any trouble in here... So hit the road.

“hit the road”是很常见用来表达“动身、启程”的口语,尤其是惯用于商务出差。

It’s called a hustle, sweetheart.


And I’m not the liar, he is. My bad. I just naturally assumed youcame from some little carrot-choked podunk, no?

“My bad” 来自非裔美语,现在已经普及,是“my fault”(我的错)。如果两个人不小心撞到一块,彼此都会说“My bad”,反而比说”excuse me”更常见了,尤其是在年轻人群体。

Only to find, whoopsie...

Double whoopsie! She’s a meter maid. And whoopsie number threesie-- NO ONE cares about her or her dreams.

farmer... That sound about right?

“Whoopsie” 是“Whoops”的变体,意思是“我犯了个错。”美国人有时说“onesie, twosie and threesie” 来代替”first, second and third”.非母语者尽量别使用,因为还有其他的负面含义。

I got dibs! Officer Hopps, I am in pursuit!

“I got dibs”是很常见的表达,特别是小孩子喜欢用于宣示“所有权”。例如:“I got dibs on the living room chair” (客厅的椅子是我的)。

You! Freeze!

‘Scuse me! ‘Scuse me. Pardon...


Rabbit, I did what you asked, you can’t keep me on the hook forever.

“On the hook”是指鱼在钩上,这很常用于当某人欠他人东西的处境。例如:“I am on the hook to pay for the meal tonight, because my buddy paid last time”今晚只能是我买单,因为上次是我的兄弟买的。

Not forever. Why, I only have 36 hours left to solve this case. So can you run the plate or not?

uh, darlin’ I’ve forgotten your name.

“darlin” 是老年男子对女子的昵称,但有时候仅限于一个女人对一个男人的称呼。常见用南部的蓝领阶层。

Hang in there.


Way to hustle, bud.


Now... since you’re sans warrant, I guess we’re done?


I saw a shifty low-life climbing the fence.


Oh, sweet cheese and crackers.

“Sweet Jesus Christ”的“安全”表达,女性使用为主。与宗教有关的词汇,有时会采用变体表达。

We broke bread together.


I trusted you, Nicky... I welcomed you into my home... we broke bread together... Gram-mama made you her cannoli. And how did you repay my generosity? With a rug... made from the butt of a skunk. A skunk butt rug. You disrespected me. You disrespected my gram-mama who I buried in that skunk butt rug. I told you never to show your face here again, but here you are, snooping around with this...

这段话不是典型的英语,但是是典型的意大利黑手党口音。“Cannoli” 是一种著名的意大利食物。

Ice ‘em!

芝加哥黑手党以前有个著名的行为是把受害人扔到结冰的河或湖,所以Ice ‘em 变成了“kill them”的意思,但这用于有组织的有关犯罪,现在已经不再用了。


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