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时间:2023-01-31 06:48:06 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


Move out : if you move out,you stop living in a particular house or place and go to live somewhere else。董事;董事。-乔伊: why,are you moving out?-Chandler :i' m not moving out . "(-为什么,你要搬走吗?-我不动。)-《老友记第一季》;mess ' my[ms]' if there is a mess somewhere or a place is a mess,things there are dirty or not neatly arranged乱七八糟;杂乱的I just came back to find my room in a mess。(刚回来,发现我家乱七八糟。)-《旅游口语天天说》;'This is last-minute,so I want to apologize for the mess。(对不起,房间里突然乱了。)-《老友记第六季》;This place is a mess这个地方就像猪窝一样。

直译为You know how Gigi gets when he's late,你就知道如果他迟到,Gigi会怎么样。我们平时的说话方式,如果他迟到,就能知道Gigi会怎么样。这里的情节是Gigi特别讨厌爸爸迟到,所以爸爸迟到的话Gigi会生气。

Train conductor:列车指挥官;列车调度员火车调度员

复习一下,in a mood心情不好,in the mood心情好;audition ' us[' dn]' A short performance by an actor,singer ETC that someone watches to judge if they are good enough to act这里指文艺晚会的彩排,Gigi的试镜。

Depressed '美国[d' PRST]'(注意这里的音符!): very unhappy忧郁,忧郁,忧郁。”they were both depressed and both told each other their problems。(他们都很沮丧,互相倾诉了自己的问题。)-《德伯家的苔丝》;'but the shock left me nervous and depressed for the next few days。(在随后的几天里,我感到惊讶,变得非常紧张和忧郁。)- 《简爱》

deal with : if you deal with an unpleasant emotion or an emotionally difficult situation,you recognize it,and remain calm and in control

Two birds,one stone一石二鸟;

Not about you不再说你了。Bring it back to Dad字面上是给爸爸带来的。这里的情节是三姐妹讨论爸爸的约会,谈论其他话题,二姐姐说我们回到爸爸的话题,这里IT指的是话题。(阿尔伯特爱因斯坦,《北方专家》前情提要)。


hurt : to feel pain in part of your body感到疼痛。麦克米斯托克哈特引起了我的腹痛。

' Patronize '美国[PETR NAAZ;ptr naz]' to talk to some one in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you The

worried ' mi[' wrd]' unhappy because you keep thinking about a problem,or about something bad that might happen担心,不安I(我想让人们知道我一点也不担心。)-美剧《科学60秒》

That's all for today

August 16、2017。XOXO

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