原句:Sometimes the superstar is not contributing anywhere near as much to the project as other people on it.(如何翻译见文章尾巴~)

1 先来划分句子结构:

Sometimes ( the superstar 主语)( is not contributing 谓语) anywhere near( as much ) to the project ( as other people) on it.

2 注意呀:这儿有两个固定搭配小分队:

as much as ; contribute to

3 取括号内部分,转化为简单句:

The superstar is not contributing to the project as much as other people .

~接下来哈,我去搜索“ not anywhere near”是什么意思,以求劈开英语学习中的挡道荆棘

啦啦~我来分析“”not anywhere near”的真身~~


If you use “not anywhere near ” or “ nowhere near” in front of a word or expression, you are emphasizing that the real situation is very different from, or has not yet reached, the state which that word or expression suggests. 如果你在一个词或词组前面加上“ nowhere near” or “not anywhere near ” ,其实是强调真实情况与该词所暗示的状态大不相同,或尚未达到该状态。

最后,我又打开了网络版的“剑桥词典”,因为它是一本贴心辞典,还带有中文翻译。太棒了,“nowhere near”的正确中文翻译:not close in distance, time, amount, or quality(距离、时间、数量或质量)远远没有,远非


He's nowhere near recovered yet from his experiences.

“他已经从经历中恢复过来(否定)。” ➵ “他远没有从经历中恢复过来。”

The chair he sat in was nowhere near as comfortable as the custom-designed one behind his desk. 他坐的椅子远没有他书桌后面定制的那把舒服。

• The house was nowhere near the beach.这座房子离海边很远。

• It's nowhere near time for us to leave yet.离我们走的时间还早呢。

I'm nowhere near finishing the book - I'm only half-way through it.我读完这本书还早着呢——我才看完一半。

He's nowhere near as tall as his sister.他比他姐姐矮多了。

They are nowhere near good enough. 他们远远不够好。

It was nowhere near as painful as David had expected.这远没有David预料的那么痛苦。

The state pension is nowhere near enough.国家养老金远远不够。


“not anywhere near ” or “ nowhere near” 真实含义是 emphasize that the real situation is very different from, 中文可以翻译成否定含义,例如“远远没有”


图片来源 | Collins词典,剑桥词典