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(weareneverever)we are never ever get together歌词

时间:2022-12-22 06:42:45 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

【句子】But what do you say we just put that aside for now. Let’s just stick a pin in it. 【Friends S1E14】

【发音】[bʌt] [wɒt]/[wɑ:t] [du:] [ju:] [seɪ] [wi:] [dʒʌst] [pʊt] [ðæt] [ə'saɪd] [fɔ:(r)] [naʊ] [lets] [dʒʌst] [stɪk] [ə] [pɪn] [ɪn] [ɪt]

【发音技巧】just put that完全失去爆破+不完全失去爆破;just stick不完全失去爆破;stick a pin in it 两处连读;



What do you say…表示一种建议,就是你觉得……怎么样?

eg: What do you say we sell the car?


eg: Let’s go away for a weekend. What do you say?


类似的句型还有What say… 一样的意思,询问意见;

What say you and I give it another shot?

就是:Could you please give me another chance?



We’re never ever getting back together.


leave/put sth. aside 先不管……问题,直到有能力解决为止

If you leave or put a problem aside, you ignore it until you are able to solve it:

eg: Let's leave that matter aside for now and talk about the more urgent problem facing us.


stick a pin字面意思是 按一个大头针 在上面 就是固定的意思

to attach sth. onto another thing or fasten things together with a pin, etc.

结合上下文 就是碰到问题 先搁置一边,不让它坏事儿。


They'll have to put aside their political differences and find a solution.

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