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时间:2023-04-11 00:09:53 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


离职谈话,这个说法还有个英文名称:exit interview





Is there a point to exit interviews?


What to say when you are quitting your job




1. “Do you feel your job description has changed since you were hired?” “What prompted you to start looking for another position?” Such questions are typical of the exit interview, to which an email from HR may invite you after you have handed in your notice. Do you accept? And if so, how honest should you be with your soon-to-be-ex-employer during the discussion?


这里:how honest…… 可以不译作有多诚实……的句型。

2. Just like humans, corporate entities do not want to admit their faults. As such, many companies deal with resignations badly. Exit interviews may help them do better. More important, understanding why workers leave is critical if you want to stop more of them heading for the exit. Recruiting and training top talent is a big cost for firms, particularly those in the service sector, so anything that can be done to reduce staff turnover is valuable. Poaching is part of any competitive industry, so knowing what drew an employee to a different firm can be useful, too. Former employees who leave happy can in future fill a role as corporate ambassadors.


这里:so knowing what drew an employee…… 在翻译的时候,可以关联上文poaching 挖墙脚,即为什么被挖走……,就不要再翻译成吸引员工到另一个公司。

3. For firms the best exit interview is the one that doesn’t happen. A study conducted by the Harvard Business Review concluded that they should be “the culmination of a series of regular retention conversations”. Such attempts will not work every time, or even often—staff churn is a fact of corporate life. For unsalvageable cases, some firms arrange a one-to-one conversation with the leaver’s manager. Others offer an online form, which is less personal but provides the opportunity to collate feedback easily. Such Exchanges are best scheduled after the initial rush of emotion has passed but before the employee has checked out mentally. The information gleaned can be revealing. In some firms, it travels all the way up to the board.


这里:For firms the best exit interview…… 乍看不难理解,但千万不要直译。其实,它的含义就是:公司最不希望看到有人离职,所以,离职谈话是他们最不想进行的事。

Exchange 有交流的含义,比如exchange student 交换生。

Such exchanges are best scheduled……这一句还是有点难度。

难点在于initial rush of emotion, checked out mentally 其实,离过职的人都知道,都要经历一个一开始有离职想法,到最后下决心离职的过程。

还有,the information 指的就是初次谈话时得到的员工想离职想法的信息。

4. The incentives for a departing employee are less clear. (If you are pursuing legal action against your employer, your lawyer is likely to tell you to avoid the interview altogether.) It is tempting either to ignore everyone and just walk away or, conversely, to really let rip. “When one burns one’s bridges,” wrote Dylan Thomas, “what a very nice fire it makes.” But letting off steam by unburdening yourself of all the wrongs and little things that ever upset you is a shallow game.

员工离职的原因不甚清晰。(如果你打算和公司对簿公堂,你的律师可能会告诉你不要和公司进行任何离职谈话。)忽视所有人,直接走人当然很好,或者反其道,将苦水全盘脱出。Dylan Thomas 说“当你过河拆桥时,你拆得多好。”把所有曾经让你心情不爽的经历全部倾倒出来其实是非常肤浅的回应。

5. The bottom line is, you never know. You can be denied a reference or unnecessarily complicate the paperwork related to your stock options and pension plan. Or you could miss a chance to turn a former employer into a client. Your columnist, a guest Bartleby, has no immediate plans to leave her current job. But if she ever did, and was asked to participate in an exit interview, she would agree to do so—and would advise you to do the same.


6. As in any break-up, the one with an employer involves dealing with elusive concepts such as decorum (“It’s not you, it’s me”) or closure (“Thank you for everything”). It is also transactional. As such, it pays not to be too candid. Whether the process happens over the phone, on Zoom, in person or in an online form, refrain from speaking your mind too freely. It is better to be excited about your new chapter than to unleash vitriol on colleagues who were unkind or censorious over the years.


7. Being too diplomatic is safer, unless it devolves into insincere platitudes. “This place is toxic” is bad; “the thing I admire about the leadership team is their long-term vision” may be worse. To strike the right balance it is useful to think of the exit interview as a performance appraisal in reverse. Outlining what you enjoyed most about the place (the pay, the camaraderie or the coffee) is a good place to start. Explaining what drew you to another employer can be particularly instructive. Gentle suggestions about what you would improve are fair game. Always remember that notes from the interview are official documentation that can be reviewed. Whatever you do, do not post rude comments about your former employer on social media.

保持外交客套是安全之策,但也不要说些不真诚的陈词滥调。“这地方不是人待得”不好,“领导团队长远的眼光让我很敬佩”可能更糟。想要恰到好处,那你要把离职谈话看作是一种表现评价。大概说出你最喜欢公司的地方(薪水、同事或咖啡),这是个不错的开头。向公司解释自己为什么去了其他公司非常有帮助性。 给自己需要提升提出一些建议也很好。记住,离职谈话中的内容会被记录在正式文件中。无论你做什么,不要在社交媒体上说前任老板的坏话。

8. In his book “Liar’s Poker”, Michael Lewis tells the story of a senior trader quitting Salomon Brothers after being offered much more money by Goldman Sachs. His managers pleaded for him to stay, invoking loyalty to the firm; the trader retorted that if they wanted loyalty they should have hired a cocker spaniel. But a good exit interview should be about mutual graciousness when neither party has anything else to lose. For an employee to deny such a conference shows pettiness and resentment. For a company it is one last chance to leave a good impression. If you decide to part ways, why not do so on amicable terms?

在Michael Lewis的书《撒谎者的扑克牌》(Liar’s Poker)中,作者讲了一个故事。所罗门兄弟公司的一位高级交易员被高盛投资公司以高价挖走。这位交易员的领导恳求他留下来,希望他能对公司忠诚;而交易员反驳道想要忠诚,那他们应该雇一只可卡犬。好的离职谈话应该亲切祥和,惠及双方。拒绝离职谈话的员工会显得很小气,也反映了他的愤恨。而对公司来说,这是最后一个留下好印象的机会。如果你决定分开,为什么不友善地谈谈呢?

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