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时间:2023-03-11 16:58:03 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

watermelon is one of my favorite fruits and I have had it ever since my child hood。to tell you the truth,I have learnt from my dad how to pick a wath

When I was a kid,I would go to the fruit market with my dad to buy watermelons in summer . each time my dad would buy at least one hundred Jin and ask the with

the then watermelons were delicious and we needn ' t worry about the harmful effects of the various fertilizers applied during their growth;melons almost every day . there were many ways to eat watermelons . we usually cut one in half,and ate a half each with a spoon.or,When some times

After we ate the watermelon pulp,the green skin of the watermelon Would be peeled at times,and the light green part,after being cut into

after eating up the pulp of the watermelon cut in half or with one end cut off,We could use the watermelon rind to make watermelon lamps and carve it it

now great changes have taken place . since this technology has been widely applied in the world and long-distance transportation has become Nve nientthis year I have eaten a lot .

Do you like watermelon?






吃完瓜肉,有时会把西瓜绿皮削掉, 然后把浅绿部分切成条,再用调味料腌制,就可以配着吃粥,这些脆嫩的西瓜条也是有着特殊的营养的。还可以在把西瓜对半切或切去一头的西瓜掏空吃完瓜肉后,把西瓜外皮用来做西瓜灯,雕刻成工艺品。那时中国还没有温室种植,所以只有到了夏天才能吃到西瓜。吃西瓜是我童年时最大的乐趣之一。



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