
2022 USTB New Year & amp# 039;s Message


President YANG Renshu



A new year kicks off another splendid chapter.


As we ring out the old year and ring in the new, on behalf of the university, as well as Chancellor WU Guilong, I would like to extend warm New Year wishes and greetings to all our faculty and staff, students, retired personnel, alumni at home and abroad, and friends from all walks of life.


Having travelled an extraordinary journey during the period 1921-2021, the CPC celebrated its centenary and will continue to forge ahead.


Our hearts are closely connected by the same belief.


This year, we earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee as well as the spirit of President XI Jinping’s important reply letter to our students, successfully convened the 12th Party Congress of USTB, and took part in the campaign to review the history of CPC. We have stayed true to our original aspiration and pressed ahead to scale new heights in all aspects.


Looking back at 2021, USTB has made a new strategic vision to redouble and upgrade our efforts to become a first-class university.


Focusing on internal development, we have complied the 14th Five-Year Plan and the “Double First Class” construction plan to formulate the agenda for high-quality development.


Bearing in mind the country’s growth, we have established the Institute for Carbon Neutrality Innovation and the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Science and Technology.


USTB has made steady progress and entered the top 500 of the QS World University Rankings for four consecutive years.


Looking back at 2021, USTB has improved the ability of talent cultivation.


We have deepened “three-pronged talents cultivation” reform, implemented the four-year mentor system for undergraduate students, and explored the coherent cultivating mode for undergraduates to graduates.


We also furthered the reform of postgraduate education and continued to promote the “One Hundred Enterprises and Ten Thousand Talents”Program.


A total of 2,157 USTB graduates continued their education in renowned universities at home and abroad. 679 volunteered to realize their ambitions in Central and Western China.


Our students’ growth and commitment will be a guarantee of USTB’s future!


Looking back at 2021, USTB has deepened reforms and continued to build up our faculty team.


We continued to treat talents as a powerful asset and apply advanced standards to talents with notable achievements. We have carried out the reform of building faculty team in the new era by implementing “USTB Scholars” Initiative, Program for young faculty’s interdisciplinary research, “Project Advisor System”, “Home and Abroad Visits” strategy, the reform of post-doctoral system and “Seed Program”.


The newly-elected 19 national high-level talents have strengthened our faculty team.


The fundamental task of morality-based talent cultivation has been effectively implemented through the efforts made by all USTB faculty. Thanks for your hard work!


Looking back at 2021, USTB has enhanced scientific and technological innovation capabilities.


We have been committed to the “four-pronged strategy” of technological innovation, and focused on building large platforms, assembling large teams, undertaking major projects, making huge achievements, and cultivating excellent talents.


The Technical Support Center for Prevention and Control of Disastrous Accidents in Metal Smelting was approved for construction. One Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and 15 National Key Research and Development Programs of China were granted. USTB won 2 National Science & Technology Awards, 8 prizes for the Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Awards in Higher Institutions by the Ministry of Education, 8 prizes for Beijing Science and Technology Awards, 25 Metallurgical Science and Technology Awards, with 2 papers published in Nature and Science.


USTB has strived for more innovative solutions to the needs of the country.


Looking back at 2021, USTB has moved forward to expand external cooperation.


We have continued to promote the international development strategy. The Research Center for Science, Technology and Civilization was established. Two “Belt and Road” projects have obtained funds from China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). We have also established partnerships with 7 overseas high-level institutions including University of Leicester and ISAE-ENSMA, and set up two alumni associations of international students.


Looking back at 2021, USTB has worked diligently to enhance our reputation.


Our campaign to study and promote the spirit of President XI Jinping’s reply letter was recorded in the Yearbook of the People’s Republic of China as part of the country’s history.


USTB was awarded “Beijing Exemplary Higher Education Institution in Party Building and Political Work”, and our first “National Labor Award”.


Good news from our alumni comes one after another. Prof. SHEN Zhengchang ’82, mining, was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. GONG Lijiao ’11, business administration, won the women’s shot put gold at the Tokyo Olympics. ZOU Shichang ’52, metallurgical engineering, along with nine other alumni, received national awards for excellent party work.


They were born in the “Cradle of Iron and Steel Engineers”, with a gene of “Seeking Truth and Promoting Innovation”. They are shining with unique features of pursuing excellence and striving for the first, presenting a positive image of USTB!


Seeking truth in the past seven decades, pursuing innovation towards our centenary goals.


Next year, USTB will celebrate our 70th anniversary. Let us carry forward the fine traditions of USTB. Remember the original aspiration of cultivating talents for the Party and the nation. Strive for the goal of becoming world-class university at our centenary, and dedicate ourselves to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


We wish you a happy New Year, good health and happiness for your family, and good luck in all your endeavors!

“同心同行 共谱华章”新年晚会





01 开场表演 管乐:《春节序曲》

第一篇章 恰少年时,挥斥方遒

02 舞蹈《我的北科时代》


03 歌曲:《少年中国说》

科大附小合唱团与大学生们共同用坚定的声音唱出 “今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年”的坚毅。

04 情景剧:《时间都去哪了》


第二篇章 踏征程中,逐梦远航

05 管乐四重奏:《启航》


06 歌曲:《What Makes You Beautiful》


07 对口快板:《长征》


08 舞蹈:《清清傣乡情》


第三篇章 立天地间,再铸辉煌

09 民乐:《展望》


10 说唱:《百炼成材》


11 歌曲:《世界同心》、《燃烧的雪花》


12 街舞:《使命》


13 歌曲:《唱支山歌给党听》、《新的天地》


本场晚会在全校师生喜迎新春的同时,弘扬了我校“求实鼎新”的校训精神和 “学风严谨,崇尚实践”的优良传统,展现了我校学子在各个领域的崭新风貌和卓越追求,表达了师生对祖国和学校的美好祝福。寒冬已去,春之将至。未来,一代代北科大人将会继承和发扬学校优良传统,牢记为党育人、为国育才的初心使命,向着“百年科大、世界一流”的目标奋勇前进,为北科的发展,为祖国的未来而不懈奋斗。