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时间:2022-12-13 01:20:58 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名




1、one... the other...一个,另一个...

2、make friends ( with)


3、introduce... to...把...介绍......

4、introduce oneself (to..)自 我介绍

5、the same as“.....一样”

6、put on“穿上,戴上”,强调动作

7、look like...“看起来像,长得像”,后加名词或代词作宾语。

8、play the piano 弹钢琴

9、play basketball 打篮球

10、play chess 下象棋

11、advise sb. (not) to do sth.

建议某 人(不要)做某事

12、It's up to...


13、agree with后面常接人或说的话

14、agree to常接“计划;提议;安排”等

15、 agree on 表示“....达成协议”

16、in surprise 吃惊地

17、to one's surprise


18、lend sb. sth.

=lend sth. to sb.借给某人某物

19、come over


20、hold out 伸出;拿出;抱有(希望);坚持

21、feel lucky to do sth.



23、encourage sb, to do sth.


24、be patient with.....有耐心

25、a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤

26、invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人 做某事

27、go to the movies

=go to see a film去看电影

28、go to the theater 去看戏剧

29、look for 寻找

30、turn against背叛

31、turn ... over ...把翻过来

32、turn green 变绿


1、What's the weather like today?


2、What's the temperature?


3、What strange weather!


4、It will reach 10°C during the day.


5、Can you guess my hometown?


6、I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!


7、Thank you for helping me, Brian.


8、Everyone longs for spring.

每个人 都需要春天。

9、Can I give you a push?


10、It's time to stop swinging, Debbie.到停止荡秋千的时间了,黛比。

11、What about basketball?



1.How was your first day of Grade 8?


How is/ are/ was / were...? ....怎么样?

2.I was happy to see my classmates after such a long holiday.



sb.+ be happy/ glad to do sth.

3.It's almost the same as Grade7.


短语: the same as.. ..... -样

例: His book is the same as yours.


4.What advice does Li Ming give Danny on how to start a conversation with Sandra?

关于如何与桑德拉开始交谈,李明给了丹尼什么建议? (课本第 3页)


what/ how/ where/ when/ why+to do


例: I don't know what to do.


5.You are wearing traditional clothes. 你正穿着传统的服装。

wear表示“穿”的状态,宾语可以是衣、帽,也可以是装饰物、奖章等。wear 与现在进行时连用时,表示当时穿着的状态。

She never wears skirts.她从不穿短裙。

辨析: put on, have on, dress, in

(1)put on 意为“穿上,戴上”,强调穿的动作,后接衣服、鞋帽等。

Put on your coat. It's very cold outside.穿上你的外套。外面很冷。

(2)have on强调穿、戴的状态,相当于wear,但have on没有进行时态和被动语态。例:

Li Ming often has a pair of sports shoes on. 李明经常穿着一双运动鞋 。


My mother is dressing my little sister.



She is often in a white skirt.


6.He advised me to choose that one.


★advise 作动词,意为“建议”


advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事

advise doing sth.建议做某事

I advise you to buy a new car.


7.agree with you.我同意你的看法。


agree with 意为“同意,赞成”,后面常接表示人或意见(看法)的名词或代词作宾语。agree with不能用于被动语态。

例: Does she agree with us?



(1)agree to 意为“同意。赞成”,后面接表示“提议”,“办法”,“计划”,“安排”等的名词或代词。

agree to do sth.意为“同意做某事。”

Please agree to this new plan.


(2) agree on...表示“....取得一致意见”,指两方或多方就某个问题取得了一致的意见或是达成了某种办议。

After discussion they agreed on greenhouses.经过讨论,他们就温室问题达成了协议。

8.Linda, can you lend me your marker?琳达,你能把你的书签借给我吗?

词法lend 意为“借出”,常用短语

lend sb. sth. / lend sth. to sb.


It's his duty to take good care of the students.照顾好学生是他的职责。

6.I haven't seen you since Tuesday.


★since为介词,...以后,从....以来, 意为“自从”,常用于现在完成时态中。

7.What's the matter?怎么了?


What's the matter with sb. ?

=What's wrong with sb?

=What's the trouble with sb.?

=What's the problem?

8.I'm fine today, but I still have a cough.我今天好些了,但还是咳嗽。

have a cough 意为“咳嗽”,属于“have+冠词+病痛”的结构。

I always have a cough when l have a cold .当我感冒时,我总是咳嗽。

9.Suddenly the door opens, Danny rushes into the library with a basketball in his hand.门突然开了,丹尼手里拿着一个篮球冲了进来。


10.He shouts loudly.他大声地喊。


②shout at sb.和shout to sb.均可表示“对某人大声喊”,但shout at sb.多指因为生气等而非善意地对某人吼叫,shout to sb.多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊(否则对方无法听见),不带生气等感情因素。

11.How long can I keep it?

我能借多长时间? (课本25页)

★keep 借,在此代替borrow,因borrow和lend均为短暂性动词,不可与表示“一段时间”的状语连用。如果要 与表示一段时间(如: for two years, during the past three years, since last year, how long等)连用,需要用keep来代替。

12.Recently, my class has learned about China.最近我们班同学了解了中国。

recently为副词,意为“最近,近来”,相当于not long ago,一般与现在完成时或一般过去时连用,可置于句首、句中或句末。

例: We hear that he went to Australia recently.我们听说他最近去了澳大利亚。

13.Our teacher once worked in southern China.我们的老师曾经在中国南方工作。


in southern China

=in the south part of China

=in the southern part of China

但不可以说: in the southern of China。southern 的名词形式是south。south 也可作形容词,等同于southern。


east(easterm), west(western), north (northerm)和south(southerm)。

14.He showed us some pictures of different places in China.他向我们展示了一些中国不同地方的照片。

show v.意为“出示,把..... 拿...看”。show 常跟双宾语结构,即show sb. sth,相当于show sth. to sb.意为“给某人看某物”。

Would you show me your photo?

= Would you show your photo to me?


15、The picture always reminds me of that holiday.照片总让我想起那个假期。

remind 为动词,意为“使想起”,常用结构:

remind sb. of sth. /sb.


16.She also made her hair stand up with the comb.她还用梳子使她的头发竖起来。

make为使役动词,意为"使,使得”。make + sb. / sth. + do sth.意为“使某人或某物做某事”。当"make+sb./sth.+do"变为被动语态时,原句中省略的动词不定式符号to必须要还原。



1、thank sb. for sth. / doing sth.


2、Thank you for your help.

= Thanks for your help.谢谢 你的帮忙。


4、worry about“担心;担忧”


6、face to face 面对面;相对

7、stay in touch 保持联系

8、buy sth. for sb./buy sb. sth.


9、the same as 与.....一样

10、try on 试穿;试戴

11、feel at home 感觉很自在

12、as usual 像往常一样,照例

13、send sth. to some place


14、send sth. to sb./ send sb. sth.


15、give/send one's best wishes to sb. 向某人致意,祝愿

16、on the top of 在......上

17、have no luck 运气不好,不顺利

18、many thanks for


19、be in fashion


20、be out of fashion


21、It is time for...


22、turn off 关上,关掉

23、turn on打开

24、make a wish 许愿

25、take a deep breath深呼吸

26、blow out吹灭,(轮胎)突然爆炸

27、in fashion


28、be out of fashion


29、make a wish意思是“许愿”


1.In the story, a beautiful lady named Chang'e lives on the moon.在故事里,有一位名叫嫦娥的漂亮女士住在月球上。


2.We will have a seven-day holiday!



3.The best thing about autumn, however, is my birthday.然而,在秋天最好的事情,就是我的生日。


4.Family celebrations, such as holidays and birthday parties, are always a lot of fun.家庭的庆祝,诸如节日和生日聚会,总是有许多乐趣。

such as表示列举,意为“例如,诸如此类的,....那样的”,相当于like。 例如:

There are few poets such as Shelly.


5.It's never too late to start an album of family photos.家庭照片的收集什么时候开始也不会太晚。

too...to...意为“太......而不能....”,too后接形容词或副词,to 后接动词原形,表达否定意义;当too前面有表示否定意义的词not,never, nothing 等时,too.. ...结构表达肯定意义。

6.Everyone can make a video from their own point of view.


point of view 意思是“观点,角度”。

7.If you can't attend a family celebration, don't worry about it.



I have an important meeting to attend this afternoon.今天下午,我要参加一个重要会议。


attend主要用于参加比较重要的场合与会议;take part in指参加会议或群体性的活动,后接活动名词,并在活动中负有责任; join 加入某组织或团体或和某人一起做某事,成为其中的一员,后接组织、团体或某人。

8、You can even talk to your family members face to face over the Internet.


★face to face意思是“面对面,相对”。

9、Never forget to stay in touch with your family.千万别忘记和家人保持联系。

①forget to do意思是“忘了做某事(该做却没做)”;

②forget doing意思是“忘记做过某事(实际上做了)”。类似用法的 词还有remember, regret等。

I forgot to tell you about my plan.


I forgot tlling you about my plan.我忘记我已经告诉你我的计划了。(已做)

②stay in touch意思是“保持联系”,本句也可以用keep in touch代替。

10、Let me give you a big hug.


★give big hug 意思是“紧紧拥抱某人”。hug的意思是“拥抱”,它既可作名词又可作动词。




2、come for a visit来参观,来看一看

3、on one's/the way to sp.


4、point to ...指向远处

5、point at ...指向近处.

6、turn left/right 向左/右转

7、a piece of paper 一张纸

8、two pieces of paper 两张纸

9、on one' s way to do sth.


10、walk down沿....走.

11、arrive at +小地点

12、 arrive in+大地点

13、more than多于

14、less than少于

15、be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

16、sound like“听起来像...”

17、be full of

= be filled with... 充满......

18、go by=pass by 从旁边经过

19、by the way 顺便问一下

20、in the way 挡在路上

21、go this way 走这条路

22、ask the way to...问....的路

23、el...he way to...

告...... ......的路

24、be patient with 对...有耐心

25、a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤

26、invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事

27、go to the movies

=go to see a film去看电影

28、go to the theater 去看戏剧

29、cross the road

= go across the road过马路

30、go through the forest穿过森林

31、all the time

= the whole time 全部时间

32、all my life

= my whole life 我的一生

33、all the class

= the whole class 整个班级


1、Both Li Ming and Wang Mei are drawing a map of a perfect neighbourhood.




2、Jenny and Brian are on their way to school.詹妮和布莱恩在上学的路上。

on one's/ the way to...的意思是“在去(做.)...的路上”,to是介词,后接表示地点的名词,如

后接here,there, home等副词时,to要省略。

On the way home, I met Mike.

在回家的路 上,我碰见了迈克。

3、Usually we take the school bus.



4、He is pointing to the right.他正指着右边。

句法了point to...指......所指对象一般是较远的人或物体侧重指的方向用point to,所指对象是较近的人或物体用point at。

5、"Let's see,"Brian says as he reads the paper.“让我想想,”布莱恩边读边想。

as 作连词,引导时间状语从句时,表示“.....期间, 当....的时候, 一....一边”。

拓展:when和as引导时间状语从句的区别: when 可以和延续性动词连用,也可以和短暂性动词连用;as多和延续性动词连用。when从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之前、之后或同时发生;as从句的谓语动词必须是和主句谓语动作同时发生。

6、 l need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!现在我既不需要我厚厚的冬季外套也不需要靴子!

7、Walk through the park.穿过那个公园。

through prep. &adv.穿过;从一端到另一端;通过。

延伸: through当“穿过”讲,着重指从空间的一头穿到另一 头, 也就是说从一个物体的内部穿过;而past/ by指从旁边经过、路过; across 指从表面跨过。

8、Across from the bookstore, there's a beautiful park.书店的对面,有一个漂亮的公园。

across from 相当于opposite 意为“...的对面”。

9、Yesterday I got lost.


get/be lost 意思是“走失,迷失”。

get lost 强调动作;

be lost 表示状态。许多情况下,两者可


I got/was lost in the forest.


10、I have to tell you that I had the flu.不得不告诉你们,我得了感冒。

★have the flu

= catch a cold“得了流感,患流感”



1、hope to do sth.“希望做某事”

2、stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

3、stop doing sth.停止做某事


5、a piece of advice一条 建议

6、some advice一些建议

7、take one's advice接受建议或忠告

8、make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”

9、make sb./sth.+adj.“ 使.....”

10、 make sb.+ adj. 意为“使某人.....”

11、make sb. do sth.使某人做某事”

12、kick a goal 踢进 一个球

13、 one's goal in life 人生的目标

14、talk about sth.谈论某事

15、talk to/with sb.和某人谈话

16、be strict with sb.对某人要求严格

17、be strict in sth.在某方面要求严格

18、write an e-mailtosb.给某人写邮件

19、write a letter to sb.

= write to sb.给某人写信

20、be famous for 因....而著 名

21、be good for对.....有好处

22、be nice to sb

= be good/kind to sb.“对某人好”

23、have a rest休息

24、have a dinner吃饭

25、have a seat坐下来

26、have a cold感冒

27、have a fever发烧

28、have a party聚会

29、have a picnic野餐

30、have a break 休息

31、have a test考试

32、have a sleep睡觉

33、have a date约会

34、have a try 试- -试

35、have a look 看一看

36、take/have some medicine吃药


1.It's hard sometimes to talk about the future.有时候谈论未来是很困难的。

It's + adj. + to do sth. 表示“做....是....

在此句型中,it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后边的不定式短语to do sth.为了保持句子的平衡,动词不定式短语作主语时,常用it 作形式主语,而将真正的主语(动词不定式短语)后置。常见句型结构还



2.You gave a good talk to the students yesterday.


give a talk表示“做报告,做演讲”

3.I hope to be a teacher.


hope to do sth.表示“希望做某事”。

4.I'm not sure I can be a scientist.


sb. be sure + that从句的意思是“某人确信.........”。

否定式是sb. be not sure +疑问词引导的从句。

5.You should have a good rest and take some medicine.你应该好休息一下, 吃点药。

6.People travel to see their families, for work or just for fun.


for fun表示“为了娱乐”,fun 表示“娱乐,乐趣”,是不可数名词。for 表示目的,后边常接名词,可以和表示目的的不定式互换。例如:

Let's go there for dinner.

= Let's go there to have dinner.


7.I would see the world and experience many interesting things.



  1. l can take small steps to overcome my fear. 我可以采取一些 小措施来克服我的恐惧感。

take steps表示“采取措施”,后跟不定式,表示“采取措施做某事”。

9.Let's play with my advice diamond, Jenny.詹妮,让我们玩宝石建议吧。

play作不及物动词,与with连用, 意思是“拿....玩”

10.Fast is the opposite of slow.


the opposite of表示.....的对面; ....的反义词"。

10.I would encourage them to be creative.我会激发他们的创造力。

encourage sb. to do sth.


11.His dream is to be a doctor.

他梦想成为一名 医生。

to be a doctor是不定式短语,位于be动词之后,作表语,表示主语的内容。

12.She is strict but nice.


strict是形容词,表示“严格的,严厉的”,常用结构有be strict with sb. (对某人要求严格); be strict in sth.(对某事要求严格)。

13.I love playing basketball, and I'm much taller this year. 我喜欢打篮球,而且我今年高了很多。

much修饰比较级,表示....得多”, 相当于a lot。

14.She works for the newspaper and gives advice to people.她在报社上班,并给人们提供一些建议。

work for为....工作;为....效力”。



1、walk to...= go to ..on foot 步行去....

2、take a bus to /by bus乘公交车去

3、take a car

=go to ..by car乘小汽车去...

4、take a train to +地点

=go to+地点 +by train

乘火车 去某地

5、ride a bike to.....

=go to +某地 by bike 骑自行车去.....

6、in the 1760s 在18世纪60年代

7、 a way to do sth. 做某事的方法

8、put ..... together“ 把....放在一起 ”

9、be born“出生; 产生;形成”

10、work on sth.从事于...

11、all over the world

= around the world 世界 各地

12、think of “认为; 想起”

13、think about“ 考虑”

14、go skate boarding去溜滑板

15、send sb. sth.

=send sth. to sb.寄给某人某物

16、 send sb. to dosth. 派某人做某事

17、send for派人去请

18、ask sb. to do sth.


19.have to不得不;必须,后接动词原形

20.a lot of=lots of“许多,大量”

21、put on 表示“穿上”

22、take off (脱下)

23、turn on表示“打开”

24、turn off (关. 上)

25、at that time (在那时)

26、at the same time(同时)

27、at times (时常)

28、in time (及时)

29、on time (准时)

30、in no time (立刻)

31、from now on从现在起

32、jump down 跳下

33、all the time一直


1.I can go almost anywhere on foot.




2.What about going to other cities?要是去其他城市怎么样呢?

What/How abou...?怎么样,如何

3.It's my favourite type of transportation.


type相当于kind, 意思是“类型;种类;样式”。

4.London is across the ocean.伦敦在大洋对面。


5.Of course, but it would take a long time to go from Canada to Britain.


固定句型: It takes (took) sb. some time to do sth. (做某事花费了某人多长时间), it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to do。

6.I seldom travel by ship.我很少坐船旅行。

seldom为程度副词,意思是“很少;不常;难得”,用在陈述句中,表示否定含义。一般不用比较级和最高级,可用very 修饰。在句首时,句子要部分倒装。

7.In the 1700s, many scientists worked on steam engines. 18世纪,许多科学家致力于发明蒸汽机。

in the 1700s表示“在18世纪”,in the 1760s表示“在18世纪60年代”,也就是1760年~1769年。

8.In 1804, the first train engine was born in England. 1804年,第一辆火车机车在英格兰诞生了。

born是bear的过去分词,be born意思是“出生”,并且动词be通常只用was或were。 后可跟不同的介词表示“出生的时间或地点”。

9.The Rocket had a top speed of only 45 kilometres per hour.火箭号的最高时速仅为每小时45千米。

(1) speed是名词,表示“速度”,常用结构为: at high/ow speed(以高速/低速..... at a speed of( .....的速度)。

10.Can you imagine future transportation?你能想象一下未来的交通方式吗?


11.It's good for my health and for the environment.这样对我的健康和环境都有好处。

be good for sth.表示....是有好处的"。

12.Danny has thought of a new kind of transportation.


think of表示“考虑,设想,想出(主意),提出(建议)”。

13.Now Danny is standing at the front of the classroom.丹尼正站在教室前面。

at the front of表示.....前部”。at可用in代替,指内部的前面。例如:

He likes sitting in the front of the car.他喜欢坐在汽车的前部。

in front of 在....的前面(指外部前面)

A car parked in front of the house.

一辆车停在房 子前面。

14.A transporter would allow you to travel at the speed of light.这种交通工具能让你以光的速度旅行。

allow是动词,表示“允许”,常用结构为allow doing sth. (允许做某事),allow sb. to do sth. (允许某人做某事)。

15.I hope your presentation goes well.我希望你的展示顺利。




1、spare time=firee time

空闲时间, 业余时间

2、in/during one's spare time在某人的空闲时间

3、a kind of 一种

4、all kindsof各种各样

5、different kinds of不同种类的

6、many kinds of 许多种类的

7、keep (sb./sth.) +adj.使....保持.....

8、keep (sb./sth.) + doing使..... 反复做

9、not only..but also“ 不仅...而且...”

10、take up “开始; 从事”

11、too....to... “太......而不能....”.

12、thank sb. for..“因 ....感谢某人”

13、have fun = enjoy oneself

= have a good time“ 玩得高兴”

14、have fun doing sth.做某事很有趣

15、feel proud“感到自豪”

16、like doing sth.喜欢做某事(经常的行为)

17、like to do sth,喜欢做某事(具体某次的行为)

18、not... any more不再...

19、make a reports作报告

20、be made of由...制成(可以看出原料)

21、be made from 由...制成(看不出原料)

22、be made out of用...制成,改制成

23、join in多指参加小规模的活动

24、take part in指参加活动、会议、游行等,指参加者持有积极的态度,起作用

25、do with处理

26、try (not) to do尽力(不)去做

27、be full of = be filled with

= be crowded with 充满,装满


29、turn on/off/up/down打开/关掉/调大/调小

30、turn left/right向左/右转

31、take...out of ....把...从....中取出来

32、make friends with (.与....朋友);

33、make a mistake (犯错误)

34、make a noise (吵闹,弄出噪声)

35、make a shopping list (写一个购物单)

36、make a telephone call ( 打电话)

37、make a decision(作出决定)

38、make a face(做鬼脸)

39、make a living(谋生,维持生活)

40、make fun of (取笑,嘲笑)

41、make it( 约定时间做到,按时到达)

42、make money (赚钱)

43、make one's bed ( 铺床,收拾床铺)

44、make one's way to( 转向,向…进发;前往某处...)

45、make room for (为....让地方)

46、make sure (确信)

47、make up one's mind(下定决心)

48、make up( 弥补,构成,编造

49、make... into ( .把....变成)

50、make sense( 讲得通,有意义)


1.We know everyone likes to have spare time.我知道每个人都喜欢拥有业余时间。


2.I like to exercise in my free time.


in one's free/spare time


3.I enjoy playing ping-pong.


enjoy doing表示“喜欢做某事”,enjoy 后边要接doing作为宾语,不能跟to do 或者do,具有相同用法的词还有keep, finish, mind, practice等

4.If I find an interesting one, I take it home and add it to my collection. 如果我找到一块有趣的(石头),我就会把它带回家并且把它加入我的收藏中。


5.My family often helps me.



6.I also trade my tickets with other people.我也会和其他人交换门票。

trade意思是“交换; ......做生意”。

7.A hobby is not only fun but also useful.一个爱好不仅仅是有趣的而且是有用的。

not only... but also表示“不但.....而且......”,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者;其中的also 有时可以省略。

8.Some people like to play card games or chess. Others are interested in the arts. 一些人喜欢玩扑克或者棋类运动。其他人则对艺术感兴趣。

some... others常常用来表示“一些..... 其他一些....”把整体分成了若干部分,一些是some,其他一些是

the others (= other+名词复数)

9.Thank you very much for your letter about Great Great Grandpa Rex.非常感谢您有关曾祖父雷克斯的来信。

①thank sb. for sth.因为某事感谢某人

②thank sb. for doing sth.


10.He got his eggs from his own hens and milk from his own cows.他自已养鸡和奶牛来获得鸡蛋和牛奶。

get... from...表示“从...中获得”

11.It's made of wood and cardboard.


①be made of和be made from都表示“由.......制成”,主语为制成品。be made of表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化。

②be made from表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。

12.What do I do with my rockets?我怎样处理我的火箭呢?

do with意思是“处置;忍受;相处”, 常与连接代词what 连用,而deal with常与连接副词how连用。

13.We also give prizes for the best-built rockets.我们也会对制作的最好的火箭进行奖励。

give prizes for..表示“因为....而给以奖励,for 表示原因。

14.Then it will go through the door.那样它就可以穿过这个门了。

through是介词,意思是“穿过”。across和through两者都有“穿过”的意思。across 是指“从表面通过”,其含义与on有关; through 指“从里面(中心)穿过”,其含义与in有关,尤其指森林、人群等。

15.Take your hobby out of the box and get it ready, Danny.把你的爱好从盒子里拿出来,准备好,丹尼。

take... out of... 表示“从....中拿出.....

16、Please send it back to me for my collection.请把它(邮票)寄回来以便我收藏。

send 是动词,意思是"寄,送”;

send back意思是“寄回来”;

send to 发送到…;发送给…

send for 后面可以跟人,也可以跟物,意思是“派人去请……”



1、be proud of 为....感到骄傲/自豪

2、have.....in common....有共同之处

3、be weak in不擅长, 在某方面....弱

4、be good at/ do well in擅长......

5、be yourself 做自己,独自

6、make stupid mistakes犯愚蠢的错误

7、dream of 表示“渴望、向.....”

8、dream about表示“梦见”

9、teach oneself

= learn by oneself“自学”

10、teach sb. sth.教某人某事

11、 teach sb. to do sth.教某人做某事

12、make it “成功;完成某事”


14、feel like+ doing sth.

=want to do sth.

=would like to do sth.


15、because of 因为,由于

16、desrei.......说..... .把........

17、write down写下

18、write back回信

19、write out写出来

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