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时间:2023-04-23 15:07:07 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

1. Make sth. magically appear; make sth. appear with magic 把某物变出来

I can make a bunny magically appear from my hat.

I can make a bunny appear from my hat with magic.


2. Make sth. magically disappear; make sth. disappear with magic 把某物变没了

I can make this coin magically disappear.

I can make this coin disappear with magic.


3. Turn A into B with magic 把A变成B

I have a magic wand and I can turn you into a frog.


4. 1,2,3变的几种说法:

1, 2, 3 abracadabra [,æbrəkə'dæbrə]

1, 2, 3 voila [vwa'la]

1, 2, 3 presto ['prestəu]

1, 2, 3 hey presto (英式英语)

1, 2, 3 bam (砰的声音)

1, 2, 3 bing (砰的声音)

5. Magic words in English 英文里的咒语


Hocus locus ['həukəs] ['ləukəs]

Shazam [ʃə'zæm]

6. Do / Perform a magic trick 变魔术

Hi sweety, you look bored. Do you want mommy to do a magic trick for you?


7. Perform / Conduct a magic show 进行魔术表演

Do you want to perform a magic show on Children’s Day?


8. Know magic; have magic powers 会魔法

The fairy godmother knows magic and she can help Cinderella.


9. Do sth. with magic; perform / use magic; cast a spell 使用魔法

The kind fairy will use magic to revive the princess.


10. Break the spell 化解魔法

Because of true love's kiss, the spell was broken.


11. Those who know magic 会魔法的人

12. Magic related objects 魔法相关物品

注:Cauldron ['kɔ:ldrən]

微信公众号:你和宝宝说英语(ID: parents_english)


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