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时间:2023-04-16 01:09:13 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Section A


1. chopstick 筷子

[助记]联想记忆法:chop(砍) + stick(棍子)→把棍子砍细→筷子

Chinese like to eat with chopsticks. 中国人喜欢用筷子吃饭。

2. coin硬币

[助记]读音记忆法:co(ko) +in(In)→硬币

Coins can be exchanged for paper money. 硬币可以换成纸币。



Fork is used to eat meat. 叉子是用来吃肉的。

4. blouse(女士)短上衣;衬衫

[助记]串联记忆法:这只mouse(老鼠)在house(房子)里穿着一件blouse (短上衣)。

Her sister likes to wear a blouse. 她妹妹喜欢穿衬衫。

5. silver银;银器;银色的

This silver basin is very expensive. 这个银盆很贵。

[助记]读音记忆法:sil(sill) +ver(va)→银

6. glass玻璃

[助记]读音记忆法:g(g) +la(la:) +ss(s)→玻璃

Glasses are made of glass. 玻璃是玻璃做的。

7. ctton棉;棉花

[助记]读音记忆法:co(ka) + ton(tm)→cotton棉花

A lot of cotton is grown in the south. 南方种植了许多棉花。

8. steel钢;钢铁

[助记]同音记忆法:He still likes stealing others' steel.他仍然喜欢偷别人的钢铁。

How is steel made?钢是怎么炼成的?


[助记]联想记忆法:f +air(空气)→露天展览→展览会;交易会

The exhibition /fair will be held tomorrow.展览会将在明天举行。

10. grass草;草地


Don't trample on the grass. 不要践踏草地。

11. leaf叶;叶子

[助记]读音记忆法:lea(lir) +f(f)→叶

The leaves turned yellow in autumn. 秋天树叶变黄了。

12. produce生产;制造;出产

[助记]词根记忆法:pro-(向前) +duce(引导)→引向前→生产;制造;出产

The factory produces a lot of textiles every year. 这家工厂每年生产大量纺织品。


[助记]词根记忆法:wide(宽的) +ly( 副词后缀)→广泛地;普遍地

The story of snow white is widely spread in the world. 白雪公主的故事在全世界广为流传。

14. process加工;处理;过程

[助记]词根记忆法:pro-(向前) +cess(行走)→过程

These products need processing. 这些产品需要加工。

15. product产品;制品

[助记]词根记忆法:pro(向前) +duce(引导)→引出的东西→产品

These hand-made products are very good. 这些手工制品很好。

16. France法国


The French speak French. France belongs to the West. 法国人讲法语。法国属于西方。

17. local当地的;本地的

[助记]词根记忆法:loc(地方)+ -al(形容词后缀)→当地的;本地的

He is a local farmer. 他是当地的一个农民。

18. avoid避免;回避

[助记]联想记忆法:a(一个) + void(空白)→个空白的 →回避;避免

We should avoid doing bad things. 我们应该避免做坏事。

19. handbag手提包

[助记]拆分记忆法:hand(手) +bag(包)-手包→小手提包

There is no money in my handbag. 我手提包里没有钱了。

20. mobile可移动的;非固定的

[助记]词根记忆法:mob(动) + ile(....移动的)→可移动的;非固定的

Dad bought another mobile phone. 爸爸又买了一部手机。

21. everyday每天的;日常的

[助记]拆分记忆法:every(每) +day(天)→每天的;日常的

I study hard everyday English every day.我每天都努力学习日常英语。

He went to the supermarket and bought a lot of everyday necessities. 他去超市买了很多日用品。

22. boss老板;上司

[助记]读音记忆法:bo(ba) +ss(s)→老板

She is the boss of a clothing store.她是一家服装店的老板。

23. Germany德国

[助记]词根记忆法: German(德国的)+-y(后缀)→德国

Germany is a developed country. 德国是一个发达国家。

24. surface表面;表层

[助记]词根记忆法:sur(在.....上) +face(脸)→在脸上→表面

70% of the earth's surface is sea water. 地球表面的70%是海水。

25. material材料;原料

[助记]词根记忆法:mat(t)er(物质) →ial(后缀)→物质

These materials are used to make glass. 这些材料被用来制造玻璃。

26. taffic交通;路上行驶的车辆

[助记]读音记忆法:tra(tre) + fic(fik)→交通

The traffic here is very inconvenient. 这里的交通很不方便。

27. postman邮递员

[助记]拆分记忆法:post(邮递) + man(人)→邮递员

Dad used to be a postman. 爸爸过去是邮递员。

28. glove(分手指的)手套

[助记]读音记忆法:g(g) +love(v)→手套

My sister bought a new pair of gloves. 我姐姐买了一副新手套。

【词形变换 】

1. know→knew( 过去式)→known( 过去分词)

2. produce→product(n. )

3. fame →famous(adj. )

4. beautiful→beauty(n. )

5. leaf→leaves( 复数)

6. wide→widely( adu. )


1. be made of/from由....成

It's made of grapes. 它是用葡萄做的。

The table is made of wood. 桌子是木头做的。

Wuliangyan wine is made from sorghum. 五粮液酒是用高粱酿制的。

2. be made in在(某地)制造

These two TV sets are made in China. 这两台电视机是中国制造的。

3. environmental protection 环境保护

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. 每个人都有责任保护环境。

4. be famous/ known for以 ....闻名;为人知晓

Hangzhou is famous for its silk. 杭州以丝绸闻名。

5. as far as I know据我所知

As far as I know, Tom is from England. 据我所知,汤姆是英国人。

6. by hand手工

This kite is made by hand. 这只风筝是手工做的。

7. be good for .对....有益

Fruit is good for people's health. 水果对人们的健康有好处。

8.in fact实际上

In fact, the earth is elliptical.


in trouble处于困难中

We should help people in trouble.


in time 及时

It rained in time.天及时下雨了。

in a hurry匆忙的

Don't be in such a hurry. There's a little time left. 别这么着急。还有一段时间。

in need 处于困难中

A friend in need is a friend indeed.


in that case 既然那样

In that case, you don't have to come.


in danger处于危险

People try to save the giant panda in danger. 人们尽力拯救处于危险中的大熊猫。


1.It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.


2. He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.


3. Kang Jian thinks it's great that China is so good at making these everyday things.


Section B


1. international国际的

[助记]词根记忆法:inter-(在....之间) + nation(国家) +al(形容词后缀)→国家之间的→国际的

This is an international crime film.


2. its它的

This is a bird from the ;`s fur very beautiful. 这只鸟来自南方,它的羽毛很漂亮。

3. form形式;类型

[助记]联想记忆法:f(fail不及格) +or(或) + m( middle中等)→我们班上这两种类型的学生都有→形式;类型

4. balloon气球

[助记]联想记忆法:ball(球;舞会) +oo(眼睛) →n(名词后缀)→气球

Children's day, riotous with colour balloons in the sky. 儿童节,五彩缤纷的气球在天空中飞舞。

5. scissors剪刀

[助记]联想记忆法:sciss(切) +or +s→切开时所借助的工具→剪刀

Scissors are used to cut things.


6. lively生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的

[助记]词根记忆法:live(活的) +-ly( 形容词后缀)→生气勃勃的

7. heat热;高温;加热;变热

[助记]拆分记忆法:h + eat(吃)→高温;加热

The candle will melt in the heat.


8. complete完成

[助记]词根记忆法:com-(全部) + plete(满)→全满+完成

They completed the task on time.



1. live →lively(adj. )

2. happy→happiness(n. )

3. history→historical(adj. )

4. competitor→compete(t. )→competition(n. )

5. celebrate →celebration(n. )


1. find out查明;弄清楚

The police have found out the truth of the matter. 警察已经查明了事情的真相。

2. on vacation去度假

I went to Hainan Island on vacation. 我去海南岛度假了。

3. such as例如

Many fruits, such as oranges , pears,whichare good for people's health. 许多水果,如橙子,梨,对人们的健康有好处。

4. according to根据;按照;取决于

Prices vary according to the quantity ordered.价格根据所订数量而变化。

5. in trouble在困境中;有麻烦

Should we help people in trouble?


6. send out发出;放出;派遣

Wait a minute. We'll send out right away.


We come here and send out for liquor.



1. He sent them out to ask for belp when in trouble.当在危险中时,他发出它们以寻求帮助。

2. He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying prod-ucts made in China.


3. Kang Jian thinks it's great that China is so good at making these everyday things.


Section B


1. international国际的

[助记]词根记忆法:inter-(在....之间) + nation(国家) +al(形容词后缀)→国家之间的→国际的

This is an international crime film.


2. its它的

Its fur is gray. 它的毛是灰色的。

3. form形式;类型

[助记]联想记忆法:f(fail不及格) +or(或) + m( middle中等)→There are both types/forms of students in our class. 我们班上这两种类型的学生都有→形式;类型

4. balloon气球

[助记]联想记忆法:ball(球;舞会) +oo(眼睛) +n(名词后缀)→气球

People like to sit in inflatable balloons and see the scenery. 人们喜欢坐在充气气球里看风景。

5. scissors剪刀

[助记]联想记忆法:sciss(切) +or +s→切开时所借助的工具+剪刀

Dad cut the rope with scissors.


6. lively生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的

[助记]词根记忆法:live(活的) +-ly( 形容词后缀)→生气勃勃的

After the rain, nature is full of life.

Flowers and trees are lively in the light rain in spring.

7. heat热;高温;加热;变热

[助记]拆分记忆法:h + eat(吃)→高温;加热

A solid changes into a liquid at high temperature.固体在高温下变成液体。

And when heated, it turns into water.当加热时,它会变成水。

8. complete完成

The project will be successfully completed by the end of this year. 这个项目将在今年年底成功完成。

[助记]词根记忆法:com-(全部) + plete(满)→全满+完成


1. live →lively(adj. )

The little girl lives in the city, very lively and lovely. 小女孩住在城里,非常活泼可爱。

2. happy→happiness(n. )

Because he has a happy life, so he is very happy. 因为他有一个幸福的生活,所以他很幸福。

Happiness is a healthy mood.


3. history→historical(adj. )

This is a historical documentary. It records the history of China for 5000 years.


4. competitor→compete(v. )→competition(n. )

Xiao Ming and many competitors took part in the quiz. Through competition, Xiao Ming won the first place. 小明和许多参赛者参加了智力竞赛。通过比赛,小明获得了第一名。

5. celebrate →celebration(n. )

It's a big celebration. 这是一个盛大的庆典。

People gather together to celebrate the Spring Festival. 人们聚在一起庆祝春节。


1. find out查明;弄清楚

The police found out the truth.


2. on vacation去度假

I went there on holiday. Where did you go on holiday?我去那里度假。你去哪里度假了?

3. such as例如

There are many fruits, such as apples, pears and oranges, which are good for people's health. 有许多水果,如苹果,梨和橙子,对人们的健康有好处。

4.turn……into……将 ......变成.....

Let's turn water into ice and see how much lower the temperature can be?


5. according to根据

The story is based on real people and things.这个故事是基于真实的人和事。

Will you go to the park tomorrow? It depends on the weather. 你明天去公园吗?这要看天气而定。

According to the actual situation. 根据实际情况而定。

6. in trouble在困境中;有麻烦

We should try to save the pandas in trouble. 我们应该努力拯救陷入困境的熊猫。

7.. be covered with被…...覆盖

After a heavy snow, the land was covered with a vast expanse of snow.一场大雪过后,大地上覆盖着一大片积雪。


1. He sent them out to ask for belp when in trouble.当在危险中时,他发出它们以寻求帮助。

2. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and goodwishes.


3. After drying,they are fired at a very high heat.晾干以后,它们被高温烧制。

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