答案在The Economist February 26th 2022 Europe 中“HFC Smuggling --- Free as air ”这篇文章第四及五段可以找到。

The Economist February 26th 2022 Europe


miff n. 生气,发怒,小争执


miffed adj. 生气的,恼怒的


He hadn't called for a week and she was getting miffed.



The smuggling has hit some firms particularly hard. To supply greener alternatives to hydrofluorocarbons(HFCS), Chemours, an American firm, spent around $500m on R&D and production facilities. But with illegal imports continuing to hold down HFC prices, demand for alternatives has been “stagnating” and even declining, laments Murli Sukhwani of Chemour’s European HQ in Geneva. Mr Sukhwani, who also leads the the European FluoroCarbons Technical Committee (EFCTC)’S investigation into the black market, says climate-friendly alternative gases cost at least twice as much as the compounds they are supposed to replace.

走私对一些公司的打击尤其严重。为了提供更环保的氢氟碳化物(HFCS)替代品,美国公司科慕(Chemours)在研发和生产设施上花费了约5亿美元。但随着非法进口继续压低HFC价格,对替代品的需求一直“停滞不前”,甚至还在下降,科慕位于日内瓦欧洲总部的Murli Sukhwani感叹道。Sukhwani也领导欧洲碳化合物的技术委员会(EFCTC)对黑市进行调查,他表示,气候友好型替代气体的成本至少是它们应该替代的化合物的两倍。

This has miffed America. In a report last year on barriers to trade, Katherine Tai, the American trade representative, wrote that the EU’s “insufficient oversight and enforcement” of its HFC caps is hurting American chemical firms, not to mention the climate. European officials, for their part, point to the difficulty of preventing profitable contraband from crossing the bloc’s long borders.

这激怒了美国。在去年一份关于贸易壁垒的报告中,美国贸易代表凯瑟琳·戴(Katherine Tai) 写道,欧盟对其HFC限额“监督和执行不足”正在损害美国化工公司,更不用说气候了。欧洲官员则指出,阻止有利可图的违禁品越过欧盟漫长边界很难。
