一,夏天有晚来迟暮的霞光 正如晚来的你皆是笑意

In summer, there is a late glow, just as you are smiling when you come late.


It is only when you are with a kindred spirit that you are happy.

三,吃饱饱的 安心睡觉 祝你也祝我

Sleep with peace of mind when you have enough to eat. Wish you wish me, too


Go and blow the summer evening breeze, maybe you will meet romance


Go and blow the summer evening breeze, maybe you will meet romance

六,总有一天 我们不用再说再见 只需道句晚安.

One day we don't have to say goodbye, just say good night.


Likes probably is, when we looked at each other, when you turned and left, I stared at your back for a long time.

八,又是一年冬天 好久不见 别来无恙

It's another winter. Long time no see. Good day


How can you make a drowned person like the sea?


Don't tell the story to the wind, it will blow all over the forest.


They are not bad in nature. They just want to be loved. That's the worst thing I've ever heard.


Don't think that anyone will always stand behind you, even if they are relatives, they can only protect themselves.


I have been cheated by them many times, but I still believe their rhetoric again and again.


Only when both parties love each other very much, the other party will feel fresh for a long time.

十五,我碰到了一个女孩, 几年前她无忧无虑 ,现在她满身疲倦, 眼里没有了光 我想安慰她, 于是我伸手,碰了一下镜子。

I met a girl. A few years ago, she was carefree. Now she is tired, and there is no light in her eyes. I want to comfort her, so I reach out and touch the mirror.


I missed you very much after drinking too much last night. When I woke up, it seemed that it had nothing to do with drinking too much.

十七,低谷期是我自己熬过来的 我的温柔是一次次教训给的 我的快乐早就没了 我没有对不起任何人 唯独对不起的就只有我自己…

I got through the trough by myself, and my gentleness was taught by time and time again, and my happiness was long gone. I didn't apologize to anyone but myself …


Without exception, feelings will fade.


To love life with a loving attitude is to be gentle with yourself and blossom at the bottom of the valley. So what did you get for your long speech?