
Every bit of life is gentle and lovely, which is worth my progress


I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way


Winter has arrived, I wish to open my eyes and eyebrows and ask for peace of mind


The summer of that year was more noisy than any other year. The branches outside the classroom grew wildly, but they couldn't stop the sun


A person's sadness hidden for a long time, will be unable to tell, a person's emotion to the end, only silence


The summer of that year belonged to the wanton arrogance of teenagers.

你被黑暗敲打 恰恰说明你是光明本身。

When you are struck by the dark, you are the light itself.

有时候一盏灯如果一直在发光 那么别人不会去注意它

Sometimes if a light is always on, people won't pay attention to it

当你前面有阴影时 别怕 那是因为你背后有光.

When there is shadow in front of you, don't be afraid because there is light behind you

老师在台上孜孜不倦的讲课 你望向窗外的晚霞 上课打了个盹 让你恍惚觉得三年青春短的只有一瞬间

The teacher's tireless lecture on the stage, you look out the window of the sunset, take a nap in class, let you feel that three years of youth is only a moment short


The wind of self-study that night was very strong, which made me see the road ahead clearly, and also blew my dream of catching


It's winter, and you're still clinging to the cicada singing in midsummer -- you're still reading the heart of so and so after graduation.


High school mathematics did not appear Xiaoming, I know that fool can not be admitted to high school