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* 本篇文章难度系数6.9,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。
Why is, no matter the colour of the shampoo, the foam always white?
【单词】shampoo [sham-'poo][ʃæm'puː] n. 洗发剂;洗涤剂
【单词】foam [fohm][fəʊm] n. 泡沫
Because the bubbles that make up the foam are so thin that the pigments that make up the color are too thinly spread to matter much.
【固定用法】too...to...结构的基本形式为“too+adj./adv.+to do”,其意为“太……以至于不能……”。有时不定式前可以带有一个由介词for引导的逻辑主语,如:This question is too difficult for Tom to answer.
【单词】bubbles 原型:bubble ['buhb-uhl]['bʌbl] n. 气泡;泡影
【单词】thin [thin][θɪn] adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀的
【单词】pigments 原型:pigment ['pig-muhnt]['pɪɡmənt] n. 色素; 颜料
【单词】thinly [thin]['θɪnli] adv. 薄薄地;细细地;稀疏地
【单词】spread [spred][spred] v. 传播;展开;散布;铺开
Instead the light is fractured everywhere by every bubble making it effectively reflecting white light.
【单词】fractured 原型:fracture ['frak-cher]['fræktʃə] vt. 破碎;破裂
【单词】everywhere ['ev-ree-hwair, -wair]['evriweə] adv. 到处,处处;无论何处
【单词】effectively [ih-'fek-tiv][ɪ'fektɪvli] adv. 事实上;有效地
【单词】reflecting 原型:reflect [ri-'flekt][rɪ'flekt] v. 反映;反射
Anyway it's because the colour gets spread so thin and infused with microbubbles that the colour pigment makes no difference to the light hitting it so it appears white.
【单词】Anyway 原型:anyway 副词 ['en-ee-wey]['eniweɪ] adv. 不管怎样;无论如何
【单词】infused 原型:infuse [in-'fyooz][ɪn'fjuːz] vt. 注入;使获得;泡制;倾注(液体)
【单词】microbubble 微泡
【单词】hitting 原型:hit [hit][hɪt] vi. 打(击);达到,碰到,撞到
Darker colours will reduce this effect.
【单词】reduce [ri-'doos, -'dyoos][rɪ'djuːs] v. 减少;缩小;使落魄;简化;还原
An entirely black shampoo would have very dark suds.
【单词】entirely [en-'tahyuhr-lee][ɪn'taɪəli] adv. 完全地;全部地
【单词】suds 原型:sud [sʌdz] n. 肥皂水;肥皂泡
Think about a balloon.
【单词】balloon [buh-'loon][bə'luːn] n. 气球;球状物
When not blown up, balloons are solid with color and very vibrant, but as you blow it up, it loses that color and starts to become very pale, almost white.
【单词】blown 原型:blow [bloh][bləʊ] v. 吹;风吹
【单词】solid ['sol-id]['sɒlɪd] adj. 固体的;实心的
【单词】vibrant ['vahy-bruhnt]['vaɪbrənt] adj. 充满活力的;(色彩)鲜明的
【单词】loses 原型:lose [looz][luːz] vt. 丢失,失去
【单词】pale [peyl][peɪl] adj. 苍白的;灰白的;暗淡的
And if you could infinitely blow up the balloon without it breaking, it would eventually lose all its color and become clear because there is not enough pigment (color) for the light to reflect off.
【单词】infinitely ['in-fuh-nit]['ɪnfɪnətli] adv. 无限地;无穷地
【单词】breaking 原型:break [breyk][breɪk] v. 打碎;折断
【单词】eventually [ih-'ven-choo-uh-lee][ɪ'ventʃuəli] adv. 最后;终于
【单词】reflect [ri-'flekt][rɪ'flekt] v. 反映;反射
This would happen because of how thin the material gets.
【单词】happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现
In this case, the blown up balloon is like the bubbles.
The shampoo, which contains pigments, gets spread so thin that there is not enough for the light to bounce off and form colors.
【单词】contains 原型:contain [kuhn-'teyn][kən'teɪn] vt. 容纳;包含
【单词】bounce [bouns][baʊns] vi. 弹起;重新恢复
Thus, the bubbles appear transparent.
【单词】transparent [trans-'pair-uhnt][træns'pærənt] adj. 透明的;明显的;清晰的
Same reason clouds are white instead of blue, except instead of tiny droplets, you have spheroids of thin laminate material.
【短语】instead of 代替(……的是);而不是…;例句:Instead of pressing forward, they drew back. 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。Oops! I put in sugar instead of salt. 啊!我错把糖当盐放了。
【单词】clouds 原型:cloud [kloud][klaʊd] n. 云;阴影
【单词】except [ik-'sept][ɪk'sept] prep. 除了 ... 之外 conj. 除非;除了 ... 之外;若不是
【单词】tiny ['tahy-nee]['taɪni] adj. 极小的;微小的
【单词】droplets 原型:droplet ['drop-lit]['drɒplət] n. 小滴;微滴
【单词】spheroid ['sfeer-oid]['sfɪərɔɪd] n. 球状体;椭球体
【单词】laminate ['lam-uh-neyt, -nit]['læmɪnət] adj. 薄的
The light is incident in them to and from all angles no matter from which direction the observer stands.
【单词】incident ['in-si-duhnt]['ɪnsɪdənt] adj. 难免的;附带的
【单词】angles 原型:angle ['ang-guh l]['æŋɡl] n. 角度;角;观点
【单词】direction [dih-'rek-shuh n, 'dahy-][də'rekʃn] n. 方向;趋势
【单词】observer [uhb-'zur-ver][əb'zɜːvə] n. 观察者
The result is usually Mie scattering, a form of refraction.
【单词】scattering 原型:scatter ['skat-er]['skætə] vt. 散播;撒;驱散 vi. 分散;消散
【单词】refraction [ri-'frak-shuhn][rɪ'frækʃn] n. 折光;折射
The thickness of the soap bubbles is both thick and variable enough to cover the entire visible spectrum, and probably more.
【单词】thickness ['thik-nis]['θɪknəs] n. 厚度;浓度;层
【单词】soap [sohp][səʊp] n. 肥皂
【单词】thick [thik][θɪk] adj. 厚的;浓密的;粗的
【单词】variable ['vair-ee-uh-buhl]['veəriəbl] adj. 可变的;易变的
【单词】entire [en-'tahyuhr][ɪn'taɪə] adj. 全部的;完整的;全面的
【单词】visible ['viz-uh-buhl]['vɪzəbl] adj. 看得见的;可见的;显而易见的
【单词】spectrum ['spek-truhm]['spektrəm] n. 系列;幅度;范围;光谱
If all three (or four) of your photopigments are inactivated, you perceive this as white light.
【单词】inactivated [in-'ak-tuh-veyt][ɪn'æktɪveɪt] v. 使不活跃;〈化〉破坏...的活性
【单词】perceive [per-'seev][pə'siːv] v. 注意到;觉察到;认为;理解