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时间:2023-07-30 作者:佚名


























August 2022

It was a hot day. I thought I could work in Guangzhou all the time. Unfortunately, due to the epidemic, the company has to lay off employees in recent years. So as a new employee, I had to go back to my hometown.

How to get back? (Here is a point to explain, because I have lost my hearing. I have been silent and lonely for the past ten years!) If you want to go back by car, what should you do to communicate with people on the way? I also don't want to be discriminated against (it can be regarded as the shadow in Guangzhou for more than half a year). So I plan to ride my bike back to Anfu, which is why I used to exercise at home.

On August 14, I went to have the bike serviced first. The main thing was to brake. There was nothing else. I also brought a spare tire with me on the way. Then I got up early in the morning of the 15th, Finish the last breakfast in Guangzhou, and set out in a cool weather.

It seems that Guangzhou is not so busy in the morning. There are two or three cars on the road. It seems that it is a little cool on the day of departure, and we rushed all the way to the first stop (Qingyuan City), which was about 10 o'clock in the morning. Take a break and find a place to have lunch. After eating and sleeping, it was really not hot to start from Guangzhou,So i sleep for a while at 1:30 to continue on my way. Good heavens, after walking about ten kilometers, I felt the heat wave coming up. It is more than 20 kilometers away from the next place to stay. Later, I stopped and walked until about five o'clock in the afternoon to find a place to eat and live. After dinner, I found a place to live, and then washed my clothes and dried them quickly (because I didn't bring any clothes).

I left early the next day. I didn't have breakfast, because I bought some snacks the night before, to save time. It's cool in the morning, in order to ride more.

I followed the navigation all the way, but I didn't take the wrong way, which is quite lucky. Before departure, we have prepared three power packs, and we are not afraid of taking the wrong road, including the night road. It was nothing this morning. It was really hot in the afternoon. It was very painful. Game over

At six o'clock, I found a place to live. I didn't want to do anything, Lie down and fall asleep. Rest on the third day. On the the fourth day, After leaving Renhua County and entering Hunan, I started to push carts. Why? Because it's all uphill,I don't remember the name of that mountain. Anyway, it's all uphill for more than ten kilometers, and I can't even push it. It's hot and sunny. I'm pushing a cart in the mountains alone. I really feel lonely and hot. It was so hot that I doubted life.

The last two stops are completely insist on will.At the fifth stop, a rider from Yongxin accompanied him to Jintian,thank[作揖]

It's too hot to ride a bike at noon (don't kill me). I will have a rest at about 11:00 every morning. I seldom take pictures on the road. One doesn't like it, and the other is to hurry up. I hardly do hair circles every day, so as not to worry my family. I didn't tell my family before I left. It was a perfect end for a person to ride a bicycle from Guangzhou to Anfu.

When I arrived at Anfu, sister Lan'er met me and was happy [心]

It is said that the mediocre live in groups, while the brave walk alone. I think I've done it, don't you think?

Postscript: The significance of cycling goes beyond this - from Guangzhou to Anfu (650km)

What's more?

1. Preparations before riding (including physical fitness, car maintenance, route planning)

2. Safety during riding, food and drink on the road, supplies in no man's land, sunscreen and epidemic prevention (mainly around the epidemic area).

3. For a person who has lost his hearing, you should ensure that you can communicate with others on the way, which is also one aspect of my challenge!

In many cases, it is not said that bicycles are awesome after riding such a long distance. No! I have never told anyone what I rode so far. More importantly, I think this ride is a kind of meaning in life. Why do you say that? Because this ride shows a combination of physical and mental strength. not a single one can be omitted! What do you think?

And then we are not afraid of difficulties, daring to challenge and conquering

Finally, I want to convey that I hope my daughter can face difficulties in her future life!

That's it


November 25, 2022









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