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时间:2023-05-30 作者:佚名


Don't be afraid to shoot alone. What about being alone? You can cry all the way, but you can't be angry.


Let's go, let's go. Let it be, is the greatest accomplishment of life!


I am not smooth enough, and I have little knowledge, with a strong childishness, do not know how to bow, but as long as you are good to me, I naturally can not be inferior to you.


Those who can enter my heart, I treat them as kings; those who do not, I disdain perfunctory. Fingerprint is too wide, time is too thin, life is really short, if you understand, please regret!


Life is a book, the cover is given by parents, the content is written by oneself, the thickness is decided by oneself, the magnificence can be created by oneself.


Don't be suspicious of a girl's childishness. If she doesn't like you, she's more mature than your mother.


Vanity is something you have to be able to pay for. Otherwise, it would be death and face to face.


A good-tempered person does not easily get angry, which does not mean that he will not get angry; a good-tempered person just pretends to be confused, which does not mean that he has no bottom line.


Too much thinking will ruin you. If nothing happens, it is the best revenge. Why prove to the unworthy that life is better for oneself?


If you can't enter the world, don't squeeze hard. It's hard to practice yourself for others. Why?


Persistence is a burden, and letting go is a relief. People do not have perfection, happiness does not have a hundred points, can not have so much, why need to ask so much.


Remember, what you like, don't ask others how good they look. Like is better than all truth. Principles do not suffice for me.


Past people have their meaning, but don't be too nostalgic; Past people have a good past, but the best is the one around you.


Don't leave the problem to time to prove it. Time is too lazy to deal with your mess.


Nobody will wait for you for four or five years except in the movies. To put it plainly, feelings are nothing without connection.


To experience, to do what you want, to choose what you love, not what others think is right, you should live for yourself all your life.


I am very simple and extreme, like a person, either 100% or zero percent.


The more you care about, the more tired you are. You don't throw away the things you can't keep. Otherwise, you deserve to stumble in the future.


Don't expect anyone to accompany you for a lifetime, even the shadow will leave you when there is no light.


Don't think that people who laugh or are silent all day long are provocative. When you tear off their masks, you won't even have a chance to kneel.


If you ask more of yourself, you will be more independent and less of others, and you will be less disappointed. Rather than waste time expecting perfect people, I would like to spend time cultivating my imperfect self.


Don't criticize others from the highest point of morality, say something you shouldn't say. It's up to you to know what I like and how I live.


Thank you for understanding me if you are white-headed, and thank you for coming.


I wish I could do whatever I want for the rest of my life. I would rather be a ghost with teeth and claws dancing in the midst of light, wine and green than a devil seeking perfection in ordinary life.



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