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时间:2022-12-13 16:42:07 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


Beijing all set for Olympic encore


With the torch relit, venues being tested and operational drills underway, Beijing is all set for its highly anticipated encore① as an Olympic host 100 days out from the opening of the 2022 Winter Games. Thirteen years after the curtain was lowered on the 2008 Summer Games, the Olympic flame has returned to the Chinese capital as Beijing’s preparations for next year’s Winter Olympics enter the home stretch, with operational details, legacy and, most importantly, safety amid the pandemic prioritized. As part of the 100-day countdown② celebrations, Beijing 2022 unveiled③ designs of the Olympic and Paralympic medals on Tuesday, just a week after welcoming the torch back from Greece, triggering worldwide anticipation for the opening ceremony on Feb 4. “One hundred days from now, we will welcome the world’s best winter sports athletes in Beijing, a city that will write history as the first in the world to host the winter and summer editions of the Olympic Games.” International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach said in a video message played at Tuesday’s ceremony. (China Daily)



① encore: [ˈɒŋkɔː(r)] n. an extra short performance given at the end of a concert or other performance; a request for this made by an audience calling out 加演节目;再演

② countdown: [ˈkaʊntdaʊn] n. the period of time just before something important happens 倒计时阶段

③ countdown: [ˈkaʊntdaʊn] n. the period of time just before something important happens 倒计时阶段



(Credit: China Daily)


Tesla joins the trillion-dollar club


Tesla surpassed a market value of $1 trillion on Monday, making it the fifth such firm to reach the milestone. Shares in the electric carmaker climbed 12.6% after it struck a deal to sell 100,000 vehicles to the car rental firm Hertz. Tesla has been the world’s most valuable carmaker for some time, but brands like Ford and GM make more cars. Previously only Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Google-owner Alphabet have reached a $1tn valuation①. For years, Tesla struggled to ramp up production② of its cars, leading some investors to speculate it would fail. But last year the company, led by billionaire Elon Musk, upped its game③ and became profitable for the first time, prompting its shares to take off④. Following the jump in its share price, Mr. Musk’s 23% stake in the business is worth around $230bn. The deal with Hertz is the biggest-ever rental car order for electric vehicles and seen as a further vote of confidence⑤. (BBC)



① valuation: [ˌvæljuˈeɪʃn] n. a professional judgement about how much money something is worth; its estimated value 估价;估定的价格

② production: [prəˈdʌkʃn] n. denoting a car or other vehicle which has been manufactured in large numbers (交通工具的)大量生产

③ up your game: to improve the level at which you can compete, especially in a sport (尤指在一项运动中)提升实力

④ take off: (of an enterprise) become successful or popular (企业)成功(或受欢迎)

⑤ vote of confidence: something that you do or say that shows you support someone and approve of their actions 赞同(支持)的表示

(Credit: Reuters)


"Dune: Part 2" officially greenlit①, release date set for 2023


“Dune”, one of the year’s most anticipated blockbusters②—from acclaimed director Denis Villenueve with an all-star cast of Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Oscar Isaac, Jason Momoa and Rebecca Ferguson—finally arrived on Oct. 22. And while audience response has ranged from thrilled to bemused③, one thing that seems certain is the prospect of more “Dune”. “Dune” is officially getting a sequel. Legendary Entertainment announced the news in a tweet on Tuesday. There’s still a lot of story left to unfold. “Dune: Part 1” ends with Timothée Chalamet’s Paul Atreides, a Messianic④ figure at the heart of the series, seeking shelter from enemies in the desert. “Dune: Part 2” will follow his efforts to exact revenge against the noble families who murdered his father, Duke Leto Atreides, and restore himself to power. Warner Bros. will distribute the film and help finance it, though Legendary is the primary money behind the movie and owns the film rights to the book series. “Dune: Part 2” is expected to have an exclusive theatrical run, and Legendary will likely make that point iron-clad⑤ after “Dune” debuted simultaneously in theaters and on HBO Max. (Variety & GQ)

年度最受期待大片《沙丘》终于在10月22日上映。该片由知名导演丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦执导,由提莫西·查拉梅(“甜茶”)、赞达亚、奥斯卡·伊萨克、杰森·莫玛、丽贝卡·弗格森等众星主演。尽管观众对《沙丘》反应不一——有的激动不已,有的昏昏欲睡,但有一点似乎确定无疑,即未来少不了《沙丘》续集。10月26日,传奇影业在推特上官宣《沙丘》将拍摄续集。《沙丘》的故事还有很多待展开。由甜茶饰演的“天选之子”保罗·亚崔迪是该系列的核心人物。《沙丘1》以保罗在沙漠中为躲避敌人寻求庇护结尾。在《沙丘2》中,保罗将为他父亲雷托·亚崔迪公爵之死向皇室展开复仇,恢复自己的权力。传奇影业是该片主要投资方,握有原著电影版权,华纳兄弟则帮助融资和发行。《沙丘1》在影院和HBO Max频道同步上映,而传奇影业似已下定决心让《沙丘2》仅在院线上映。


① greenlight: [ˌɡriːn ˈlaɪt] v. to give permission for a project, etc. to start or continue 准许;允许

② blockbuster: [ˈblɒkbʌstə(r)] n. something very successful, especially a very successful book or film 轰动一时的书籍或电影

③ bemused: [bɪˈmjuːzd] adj. showing that you are confused and unable to think clearly 困惑的;茫然的

④ messianic: [ˌmesiˈænɪk] adj. relating to a messiah 弥赛亚的;救世主的

⑤ iron-clad: [ˈaɪənklæd] adj. so strong that it cannot be challenged or changed 打不破的;坚固的

(Credit: Warner Bros.)


Angela Merkel’s tenure① as German chancellor officially ends


Angela Merkel’s 16-year tenure as German chancellor② officially ended on Tuesday, after she received her formal dismissal certificate from German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Merkel, 67, who did not stand for re-election in the national ballot on September 26 after four terms in office, will act as caretaker chancellor until a new government is in place. The outgoing③ chancellor watched from the Bundestag visitors’ gallery on Tuesday as a new, more diverse and younger parliament elected a woman from the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) as legislative president. The SDP nominated health policy expert Baerbel Blas to replace Wolfgang Schaeuble as Bundestag president in an effort to ensure the country’s three top political offices are not held by men. She is only the third woman to serve in that role. (CGTN)



① tenure: [ˈtenjə(r)] n. the period of time when somebody holds an important job, especially a political one; the act of holding an important job 任期

② chancellor: [ˈtʃɑːnsələ(r)] n. the head of government in Germany or Austria (德国或者奥地利的)总理;首相

③ outgoing: [ˌaʊtˈɡəʊɪŋ] adj. leaving the position of responsibility mentioned 即将离职的

(Credit: CGTN)


China celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the PRC’s Lawful Seat in UN


“China has stood with pride and contributed to the international community,” commented Abdulla Shahid, president of the 76th session of the UNGA. “China has played a very, very important role in multilateralism① and strengthening the United Nations.” On Oct. 25, 1971, the UNGA at its 26th session adopted Resolution 2758 with an overwhelming majority to restore all the rights of the PRC and to recognize the representatives of its government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations. Over the past 50 years, China has offered full support for the UN cause by upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, played a constructive and increasingly important role in international affairs, and made great contributions to world peace and development. Upon the 50th anniversary of the restoration of its lawful seat in the United Nations, China has pledged to continue to be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, a defender of the international order and a provider of public goods. (Xinhuanet)



① multilateralism: [ˌmʌltiˈlætərəlɪzəm] n. the policy of trying to make multilateral agreements in order to achieve nuclear disarmament 多边主义,多边政策




(Credit: Xinhua)


Facebook changes company name to Meta


Facebook on Thursday announced that it has changed its company name to Meta. The name change was announced at the Facebook Connect augmented① and virtual reality conference. The new name reflects the company’s growing ambitions beyond social media. Facebook, now known as Meta, has adopted the new moniker②, based on the sci-fi term metaverse③, to describe its vision for working and playing in a virtual world. “Today we are seen as a social media company, but in our DNA we are a company that builds technology to connect people, and the metaverse is the next frontier just like social networking was when we got started.” Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said. The company also said in announcing the new name that it will change its stock ticker④ from FB to MVRS, effective Dec. 1. (CNBC)



① augmented: [ɔːɡˈmentɪd] adj. made greater, larger, or more complete 扩大了的,增强了的

② moniker: [ˈmɑːnɪkər] n. a name 姓名,名

③ metaverse: [ˈmetəvɜːrs] n. a virtual reality space in which users can interact with a computer generated environment and other users. The term was coined in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash. 虚拟实境,元宇宙;最早见于尼尔·斯蒂芬森1992年的科幻小说《雪崩》

④ stock ticker: 股票代码



(Credit: Meta)


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