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时间:2022-12-01 12:58:26 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

你要明白过度的倾诉会招人嫌弃 You should understand that excessive confidation will attract disgust.

清醒的堕落会是多少人的现状呢 How many people will fall soberly

熬过去是庆幸 熬不过去是经历 It's a pleasure to survive. it's an experience not to survive.

后来就算再喜欢 也不会再主动了 No matter how much I like it later, I won't take the initiative.

你总是能一秒让我心情跌落谷底 You can always make me feel depressed in a second.

你会找到别的星星 可我只心动一个月亮 You'll find other stars, but I only move one moon.

被在乎 被保护 被需要 被肯定 都没有 Care about being protected and needing to be affirmed.

但凡你有一点点喜欢我 我都可以撑下去 I can hold on whenever you like me a little.

最好的爱就应该是共同进步 我爱你 你爱我 The best love should be common progress, I love you, you love me.

总有一天你会明白前途永远比爱情重要 One day you will understand that the future is always more important than love.

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