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【经典英文句子】英语谚语经典句Old英语proverb 16

时间:2023-03-16 15:18:04 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Where might is master、justice is servant。有强权就没有正义。where passion is high there reason is low。情绪高涨,理性下降。where the knot is loose the string slips。绳结一解开,绳子就滑了。Where there is a will、there is a way (or skill)。有决心就有办法。where(or while)there is life there is hope。留下青山,不怕没有柴火。Where there is no good within,no good comes out。没有内在美就没有外在美。Where there's reek there's heat。无风不起浪。Where the sun enterd,the doctor does not。阳光照射下,不需要医生。Where they saw chance,we see law。他们以为是偶然,但现在我们认为是必然的。wherever he is satisfied with what he does,he has reached his culminating point-he will progress no more。对自己的所作所为感到自满时达到了顶点

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