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【经典英文句子】英语谚语经典句Old English proverb12

时间:2023-03-15 09:15:25 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

What youth is used to,age remembers。年轻的时候经常做的事,晚年可以记住。when a dogis drowning every one offers him drink。井下石。When a friend asks,there is no tomorrow。朋友的要求不要拖。when ale(or drink or wine)is in wit is out。贪心受伤了。When all men speak no man hears。大家都在说话,没人听。When anger blinds the mind,truth disapears。因愤怒而失明,真理看不到眼前。Whe angry,count ten before you speakIf very angry,a hundred。生气的时候又说了几十遍,大怒了几百遍。When an opportunity is neglected,it never comes back to you。错过机会就不再来了。when stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of,he always declares that it is his duty。愚蠢的人做着可耻的事,总是说正义。When flatterers meet,the devil goes to dinner。谄媚者见面,恶魔参加宴会。

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