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时间:2022-12-08 13:27:37 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名




first off, earth is only so big. 首先,地球只有这么大。

Tight in here. 这里很紧张/拥挤。(here可以指开阔的地方open area,in here多指an enclosed area封闭的地方)

searching for the secret to immortality. 寻找长生不老的秘密。

But is immortality really a good thing? 永生真的是一件好事吗?

The same year can feel differently to different people. 相同的一年,不同的人有不同的感受。

A year to him could feel like a day. 一年就像一天。

Extremely lonely and sad 非常孤独和悲伤。

He has and always will outlive everyone he has ever loved. 他会并将永远比他所爱的人活得长。


How much of your past have you forgotten?你忘记了多少过去?

I have trouble remembering what I did when I was five. 很难记住五岁的时候发生了什么。

We don't remember every single detail of our past because our brains have a limited capacity. 我们不能记住过去的每一个细节,因为我们的大脑容量有限。

replace useless memories with relevant information 用有用信息取代无用的记忆。

Find a companion to fall in love with 找一个伴侣相爱。

This changes what a meaningful relationship means. 改变了一段有意义关系的意义。

Another tricky thing about immortality: 永生的另一个棘手问题。

Mate and have children 配偶和生孩子


Assuming there's no natural disaster that wipes out all the tall people, 假设没有自然灾害可以消灭所有高个子的人,那你就是进化后的一群高个子中的那个矮子。

And one more physical consideration for immortality. 还有一个关于永生的物理因素需要考虑。

After all, immortality doesn't automatically translate to invincibility, It doesn't guarantee what condition you'll be alive in.毕竟永生不会自动转变成无坚不摧/你不会变得无敌,长生不老不代表能保证你活着的境况。


amputation-related hospital discharges 截肢相关的出院病例

The odds of still having all your limbs are pretty slim. 仍然拥有四肢的几率非常渺茫

What are the odds of you doing something...? 你能做某事的几率有多大?

Are you sure you want to live forever? 你确定你还想长生吗?




I would choose to be immortal under some conditions. 在某些情况下,我会选择永生。

Firstly, I wish to be ageless and immune to diseases. It wouldn't be pleasant to outlive others as an old sick man. 首先,我希望永葆青春,对疾病免疫。像一个病重的老人那样活得比别人都长是不愉快的。

Secondly, I hope that my family and friends could be immortal like me. 其次,我希望我的家人和朋友能像我一样长生不老。

Otherwise, I would feel very sad and lonely. 否则,我会感到非常悲伤和孤独。

Thirdly, people wouldn't treat me as a monster. I shall be free to travel around and do things I love to do. I could take my time to learn new things, so my long life would be meaningful and interesting.



Immortality may sound great to most people, but it wouldn't be my choice. 永生对大多数人来说可能听起来很棒,但这不是我的选择。

Life is more meaningful when it's finite. 有限的生命更有意义。

Things we value such as time, love and dream would be overshadowed by endless life. More importantly, I would be very sad to see all the people I love pass away. If I had to live alone in the world without them, I would rather die. 我们珍视的时间、爱和梦想等东西会被无尽的生命所遮蔽。更重要的是,看到所有我爱的人都去世了,我会很难过。如果我不得不独自生活在没有他们的世界上,我宁愿死。

Finally, I keep wondering what would happen after people die. Would there be another world or another chance to live? 最后,我一直在想人死后会发生什么。会有另一个世界或另一个生存的机会吗?

I would like to move to that stage naturally to find out the answer. 我想自然地过渡到那个阶段去寻找答案。



I would be thrilled if I could be ageless. 如果我能永葆青春的话,我会开心死了。

I prefer to live a happy and carefree life. 我更想过幸福的、无忧无虑的生活。

be immune to 对......免疫,免于......的

Can human evolve to be immune to diseases? 人类可以进化到对疾病免疫吗?

I wish to be immune to diseases. 我希望免于疾病。

outlive sb 比......活得长

Nowadays women outlive men by about five to six years. 现在女人平均比男人长寿五到六年。

He outlived all of his brothers. 他比他所有的兄弟都活得长。

Seize the moment and live without regrets. 把握现在,无悔生活。

be overshadowed by被......蒙上阴影/夺去光彩

My happiness was overshadowed by the bad news. 这个坏消息给我的幸福蒙上了阴影。

She is overshadowed by her younger and more attractive sister. 她那更年轻且更有魅力的妹妹让她黯然失色。

Things that we value such as love and dream would be overshadowed by endless life. 我们珍视的东西,比如爱和梦想,会因永生而变得黯然失色。

I prefer not to be immortal if I have to give up things I value such as love and family. 如果我不得不放弃我珍视的东西比如爱和家庭,我宁愿不要永生。



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