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时间:2023-02-27 10:25:29 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

there is a topic on douban : at what moment did you realize that there was no one around you and you could only rely on your self?

netizens shared their experiences in the message area。

some people say : in the year of beipiao,I was cheated out of most of my savings because of renting a house,and I only had less than 300元LUN




I can only live in a crowded and dark basement . it ' s difficult to turn over。

During that time,I worked as a part-time waiter,handed out leaflets,ate only one steamed stuffed bun every day,and carried id

At the most difficult time,I thought about talking to my parents,but when I thought that they would be so worried that they couldn ' t sleet I




some people say : my husband works more than 1000 kilometers away from home,and I take two children at home alone .

One morning,dabao had a fever and xiaobao was crying . there was no one around to help。

I don ' t trust to leave xiaobao at home . I can only run to the town hospital with dabao on my back and xiaobao in my arms。




It was a few degrees below zero,and the cold wind made my whole face ache。

the next day my husband called . I resisted my grievance and told him that everything was fine at home .

others said : I was unfortunately laid off by the company last year because of the recession in the industry。




At that time,my wife was pregnant . after knowing the news,I didn't dare to tell her at all。

I can only go out on time every day and pretend to go to work normally。

In fact,I found a park far from home and stayed all day。

Thatweek,I was frantically refreshing the recruitment website every day . whenever there was a bit of hope,I submitted my resume to theek





I have heard a saying : ' on the road of life,it is lucky to have branches to rely on,and the strength to carry is the foundation . '

When we were young,we always relied on the care of the people around us。even if the sky fell,someone carried it for ourselves .

As you get older,your parents will get older,your friends will be separated,and your friends will have their own abilities .

it ' s raining heavily in the world . no one can carry more for you。

No matter how much bitterness,it can only be digested silentlyNo matter how hard and tired,you can only carry it alone。

only a person who has experienced set backs can understand that the rainbow after strength is the most beautiful scenery .

“人生路上风雨交加,有树枝是幸运的,有力地扛着是最底层的。”听到了。" "






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