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【nooneandyou什么意思】中考高频混合词汇分析(10) none、nobody、no one

时间:2023-02-14 02:00:44 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

No one和nobody只能指人,做主语的时候谓语动词经常使用单数形式

no one knows what the future will be like。没有人知道未来会怎么样。

Nobody answered my question。没有人回答我的问题。

No one(Nobody) spoke during dinner。吃晚饭的时候没人说话。

None“一个都没有,完全没有”,人和东西都可以指。一般来说,none of.“没有.”

In the face of danger,all the fire fighters were brave and none of them gave up。


none of his friends has seen his house。他的朋友中没有人见过他的家。


None of the food is left。没有剩下任何食物。

None of the movies is (are) moving。没有一部感人的电影。

I tried many different ways of doing it,but none of them were successful。


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