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时间:2023-02-02 16:32:34 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

A good book is an event in my life。读一本好书是我的人生大事。

What happens is up to you。未来掌握在自己手里。

I think happiness is ove ratted . satis fied,at peace-those would be more realistic goals。我认为幸福的重要性被高估,保持沉着平和的态度是更现实的目标。

let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal,my strength lies solely in my tenacity。告诉我实现目标的秘密

everything you see exists together in a delicate balance。世界上所有的生命都以微妙的平衡生存。

you are never going to learn something as profoundly as when it ' s purely out of curiosity。你永远不会因为纯粹的好奇心而学到更深的东西。

you can change . and you can be an agent of change。你可以改变自己。

there is always light . if only we ' re brave enough to see it . if only we ' re brave to be it。如果我们有足够的勇气看到它,总会有光的。

failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor。失败是成功的调味品。

you ' ve got to get up every morning with determination if you are going to go to bed with satisfaction。晚上满足地睡觉的话,早上决定起床!


Learning Learning Learning!!

Come on。

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