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【英语爱情个性签名】刘博士英语公开课20:爱情故事(2)——I am Sorry,but I Love You

时间:2023-02-02 14:07:59 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

【#爱情故事#本课内容】:在这门课上,我们将继续欣赏英语言情剧《I am Sorry, but I Love You》的4-6场景。在接下来的课程场景中,我将让英语学习者熟悉和理解大众文学内容、历史内容、科学内容、商业管理等英语内容分类。我想在这个多样化的内容场景中,让学习者重新找到自己对英语兴趣的深层原因。我们学习英语的目的决不是学好英语或说流利的英语。那些是逻辑悖论或别人强加给你的答案。与你为什么学英语的问题无关。就是你。



Veronica正在向闺蜜诉苦。自从她告诉男朋友斯蒂芬想要“take a break”后,斯蒂芬很久没有和她联系了。她现在才意识到自己对斯蒂芬的爱,开始猜测《see someone else》是否开始了。就在这时,门外又传来了歌声。

2)Veronica原谅了(forgive)Steven、Steven,Steven解释说,自己因北方的森林大火暂时被带到北方。斯蒂芬是个火炬手。Veronica还向Steven发送了“I think I am pregnant”的信息。斯蒂芬有什么反应?

3)维罗妮卡和斯蒂芬一起去医院检查。医生不仅确认了Veronica is pregnant,还估计了具体时间。但是斯蒂芬这时意识到自己不在Veronica身边。维罗妮卡欺骗了自己吗?







造成这种情况的原因,正如我前面所说的,由于我们对英语这种外来事物的模糊和异化的理解,英语不再是国内正常的电功能语言。 (英语名言)今天,我只想说一下技术问题背后的含义:英语的时态有什么用?





【Audio Transcript】:I am Sorry, but I Love You (part 2)

[Section 4]:

A: ... so, I said, “Let’s take a break.” And since that night, I’ve been waiting for him to call, but I still haven’t heard from him. You don’t think he’s seeing someone else, do you?

B: Come on, don’t be so dramatic! I’m sure everything is going to work out just fine.

A: You think so? Oh, no! How can he do this to me? I’m sure he’s cheating on me! Why else wouldn’t he call?

B: But, you two are on a break. Theoretically he can do whatever he likes.

A: He’s the love of my life! I’ve really messed this up.

B: Come on, hon. Pull yourself together. It’s going to be alright.

A: But I... I still love him! And it’s all my fault! I can’t believe how immature and selfish I was being. I mean, he is a firefighter, it’s not like he can just leave someone in a burning building and meet me for dinner. I’ve totally messed this up!

B: You know what, Veronica, I think you should make the first step. I’m sure he’ll forgive you...

A: No, this is not gonna happen! I... I’ve ruined everything....

B: Hey... do you hear something? Guess what? It’s your lovely firefighter!

(Song): When I had you, I treated you bad and wrong, dear. And since, since you went away, don’t you know I sit around with my head hanging down and I wonder who’s loving you


[Section 5]:

A: Honey, of course I forgive you! I love you so much! I’ve really missed you. I was wrong to get upset over nothing.

B: I’m sorry I haven’t called or anything, but right after you decided you wanted a break, I was up north to put out some major forest fires! I was in the middle of nowhere, working day and night, trying to prevent the blaze from spreading! It was pretty intense.

A: Oh, honey, I’m glad you’re okay! But I have some exciting news... I think I’m pregnant!

B: Really? Wow, that’s amazing! This is great news! I’ve always wanted to be a father! We’ll go to the Doctor first thing in the morning!

C: We have your test results back and, indeed, you are pregnant. Let’s see here... everything seems to be in order. Your approximate due date is October twenty-seventh two thousand and nine, so that means that the baby was conceived on February third, two thousand and nine.

B: Are you sure? Are these things accurate?

C: Well, yes sir, they are.

A: What’s wrong? Why are you asking these questions?

B: This baby isn’t mine! I was away the first week of February at a training seminar!

A: I... I... no, it can’t be...

[Section 6]:

A: This is ridiculous! I can’t believe you’ve been sleeping with someone else! How could you do this! You know what? I’m out of here!

B: Wait! Doctor how is this possible? I haven’t cheated on my boyfriend!

C: I have something to confess... I’m sorry Veronica, I lied.

B: Wait... what? What do you mean?

C: I lied. You aren’t even pregnant; there’s no bun in the oven. I was just so overwhelmed with jealousy that I couldn’t help myself. Veronica I love you!

B: What are you talking about!!! Who are you?

C: It’s me! Daniel, don’t you remember me? From high school. I sat behind you in science class! I used to go to every football game and watch you in the cheerleading squad!

B: You are insane! We never even spoke! Why did you lie like that to my boyfriend?

C: Because Veronica... It’s not fair! I love you; I have since the first day we met! Everything was going fine until that jerk came into the picture and ruined everything! I went to med school and became a doctor for you! You always said how you wanted to marry a doctor! You will be mine now... one way or another...

A: I heard everything, you lying bastard! Get your hands off her!

(To be continued)

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