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英文个性签名 英文个性签名霸气冷酷…

时间:2022-12-17 18:26:22 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名




  1. Novel coronavirus pneumonia:新型冠状病毒肺炎(简写NCP)
  2. novel ['nɒv(ə)l] n.小说 adj.新型的 novelty ['nɒv(ə)ltɪ] n.新奇的事物

innovation [,ɪnə'veɪʃən] n.创新

  1. corona [kə'rəʊnə] n.王冠 virus ['vaɪrəs] n.病毒 disease n.病,疾病
  2. pneumonia [njuː'məʊnɪə] n.肺炎
  3. outbreak n.(疾病的)发作 v.爆发
  4. fear:n.害怕,恐惧 threat [θret] n.威胁,恐吓
  5. unprecedented [ʌn'presɪdentɪd] adj.史无前例的
  6. seriousness[ˈsɪərɪəsnɪs] n.严重性
  7. undoubtedly [ʌn'daʊtɪdlɪ] adv.毫无疑问地,确实地 without doubt 毫无疑问

indeed 确实

  1. effort ['efət] n.努力,力量 可数/不可数
  2. ensure [ɪn'ʃɔ:] v.确保,保证
  3. properly ['prɒp(ə)lɪ] adv.适当地,正确地
  4. resource [rɪ'sɔ:s] n.资源,财力 v.向...提供资金
  5. mobilize ['məʊbəlaɪz] v.动员,调动 mobile adj.可移动的
  6. pandemic [pæn'demɪk] n.传染病(大规模的) infect [ɪn'fekt] v.传染 infection
  7. epidemic [epɪ'demɪk] situation 疫情 epidemic 流行病(在人群中传播的)
  8. treat [tri:t] v.治疗 treatment n.治疗


  1. fever 发烧 have a fever
  2. cough 咳嗽
  3. cover 遮盖
  4. shortness of breath 呼吸急促
  5. fatigue 乏力
  6. sneeze 打喷嚏


  1. isolate ['aɪsəleɪt] v.(使)隔离,孤立 isolate yourself if necessary
  2. N95 mask [mɑːsk] N95口罩
  3. surgical ['sɜːdʒɪk(ə)l] mask 外科医用口罩
  4. protective clothing 防护服
  5. protective mask 防护面罩
  6. goggles[ˈgɒglz] 护目镜 glasses sunglasses


1.spread 传播

2.online courses 网课 n. take online courses 上网课 v.

3.lockdown 封锁 lockdown of the city 封城


  1. be helpful to do sth. 对...有帮助 lockdown of Wuhan is helpful to stop the inflection.
  2. selfless devotion [dɪ'vəʊʃ(ə)n] 无私奉献
  3. respect [rɪ'spekt] n.尊重
  4. Keep going 加油
  5. save a life 救人
  6. angel in white 白衣天使
  7. discharge from the hospital 出院



1.There is a Novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan in December,2019.


  1. from animals to humans 动物传人
  2. from humans to humans 人传人
  3. droplet transmission 飞沫传播
  4. Droplet transmission is one of the main kinds transmission of the virus.


  1. People will be remembered for them selfless devotion.


  1. Every nurse and doctor deserve our respect! 每一位医生护士都值得我们尊敬!
  2. People actively face it,together with Wuhan to fight the epidemic.



  1. Open the window,ensure good room ventilation. 打开窗户,保证室内通风。
  2. Avoid going to crowded places. 避免人群密集的地方。
  3. Wash your hands more often. 勤洗手。
  4. Wear a protective mask when you go out./Put on mask when you get out.出门戴口罩。
  5. If you feel ill,seek help from doctors. 如果感觉生病了,去看医生。
  6. Use 75% alcohol or the 84 disinfectant to disinfect when you come home.


  1. It can protect you from the virus. 能够有效隔绝病毒。
  2. It’s suggested that you change it every 4 hours. 建议四小时换一次。
  3. People still wear a mask these days. 人们最近仍然带着口罩。
  4. Protective masks can protect you from droplet! 防护面罩可以阻挡飞沫!
  5. Students will take online courses at home to prevent the transmission of the virus.


  1. There are both advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling.


  1. At this particular time,we should go out as little as possible,isolated if necessary.




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