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时间:2023-03-10 19:59:42 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

5种可以代替“very sad”,表示非常忧郁和悲伤的形容词。

gutted/6 TD/adj . extremely disappointed and unhappy

I was gutted that I couldn ' t come to your wedding .

he was gutted when she finished the relationship .

Devastated/DEVLE STETELI D/ADJ当然,除了unhappy之外,更常用来表示“完全被摧毁、毁灭”

I ' ve got to get a new goldfish today-the kids would be devastated if they knew the old one had died!

she was utterly devastated when her husband died。

desolate/DESOLAT/ADJ不仅指‘Extremely SAD and FEELING ALONE’,还指‘荒凉、荒凉’。

candy is desolate following her divorce。

she felt desolate when her best friend moved away .

inconsolable/nknsolbl/adj . extremely disappointed and unhappy

ken failed all his exams-he ' s inconsolable!

they were inconsolable after the death of their young son。

A broken man/woman、broken/brokn/adj .也是“损坏、破损、衰弱和颓废。意思是“间歇性的,不连续的”。

Harry lost his job after 20 years and now he ' s a broken man。

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