lesson 353360 future transportation

1 would like to do sth。想做某事

2 in the future未来

[正文原文]what type of transportation would I like to see in the future?


3 be like影像.相似

4 not any无

[正文原文]a hover board would be like a skateboard,but it wouldn & amp# 039;t have any wheels。


5 go (went, gone) n.去

6 ride (rode, ridden) v.骑

【课文原句】It would go really fast, and the ride would be very smooth.


7 have no idea 不知道

【课文原句】How would a hoverboard float?

8 I have no idea. But it would be great!

悬浮滑板是如何漂浮的? 我不知道。 但那太好了!

9 hope + 从句

10 in the future 在将来

【课文原句】I hope someone will invent one in the future.


11 transporter n. 运输者,运输设备 -- transportation 运输,运送;交通运输系统

【课文原句】Maybe someone will invent a transporter, too.


12 send (sent, sent) v.发送

13 send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 送某人某物

14 from ... to ... 从 ... 到 ...

15 quick (adj.快速的) -- quickly (adv.快速地)

16 one ...another 一个...另一个

【课文原句】A transporter would send you from one place to another very, very quickly.


17 It takes + time + to do sth. 做某事花费...

【课文原句】Today, it takes eleven hours to fly from Canada to China.


18 a few 一些;几个

【课文原句】But with a transporter, it would take just a few seconds.


19 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事;

20 travel at the speed of light以光速旅行

【课文原句】A transporter would allow you to travel at the speed of light.


21 like to do sth.喜欢做某事

22 watch TV看电视

【课文原句】I like to watch TV shows about space and spaceships.


23 be about 大约;从事于

【课文原句】The shows are about the future, not about today!


24 all the time

【课文原句】In these shows, people use new forms of transportation all the time.
