

My family is very good. 句子没啥毛病,表达自己的意思,值得鼓励。

My mother and father and my brothe is in the family. 单词brothe拼写有误。本句学生想要表达的可能是:我的妈妈和爸爸,还有我的哥哥都在家里。但这不太符合我们在这个情景里的说话习惯。可以这样说:There are four people in my family. They are my mother and father, my brother and I.

There be句型在英语中是很常用的,学生在这里还不太会用。当学生善用there be句型时,他/她的头脑里就开始萌发英语思维了。要让学生多做这方面的造句练习。

Coco is in my family, too. 借用课本上的句子,没毛病。

I love Coco, it is cute. 可改为两句:I love Coco. It is very cute.

Coco the color is black. 要表达Coco的颜色是黑色的,可以直接说Coco is black. 或者Coco's color is black.

My mother and father love me, too. I love my family. 从涂改的痕迹看出,她本来把后一句写在前面的,所以带了个too。后来做了改动,too也该换换位置。

总体上看,这个学生是不错的。她努力用自己所掌握的语言技能去表达自己的想法,虽然有些错误,但基本上把意思说出来了。 她的作文可修正如下:

My family is very good. There are four people in my family. They are my father and mother, my brother and I. Coco is in my family, too. I love coco. It is very cute. Coco is black. My mother and father love me. I love my family, too.