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时间:2023-02-23 00:05:00 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



321.Is overdrawal permitted?可以透支吗?

322.It's a savings帐户。这是储蓄存款账户。


324.Here's the cash and my passbook。这是钱和我的存折。

325.the account carries interest of 3%。存款有3%的利息。

326.he puts away a little every month。他每月存一点钱。

327.我想开一个I'd like to open a saving account储蓄账户

328.how much do you want to deposit with us?你想给我们存多少钱?

329.we should make a plan for saving money。我们要制定存款计划。

330.please enter your pin number on the keypad。请在键盘上输入密码。

331.could you not deposit this until Tuesday?请不要在星期二之前存这张支票,好吗?

332.I ' m interested in a twelve month deposit。我对一年定期存款感兴趣。

333.please enter your identification number/password/code。请输入密码。

334.what about the interest rates of these accounts。这个账户的利息是多少?

335.I would like to check my account balance,please。我想确认一下我的账户余额。

336.I want to deposit RMB 20,000 in my account。我想在我的账户里存两万元。

337.I ' d like to apply for a balance statement of my account。我要申请存款证明。

338.would that be a fixed deposit or a current deposit?定期存款还是活期存款?

339.it should be 100,000 RMB at least for a type account.a家庭的存款额为10万韩元。

340.we need to start saving money for a rainy day。我们要开始储蓄,以备不时之需。

341.could I have your savings book and the money,please。请给我存折和现金。

342.I want to deposit some money into my savings account,please。我想在我的存款账户里存些钱。

343.what if I forget to cash my money when the maturity comes?如果存款到期,我忘记兑现会怎么样?

344.he salted away a fortune over the years and no one ever knew!这些年来,他偷偷存了很多钱,但没有人知道!

345.how much money do you plan to keep in your account on a regular basis?你计划定期存入你的账户。


346.That's the transfer completed. Can I do anything else for you today?转账完成了。我现在还能为您做些什么呢?

347.Then please fill in this deposit slip and give me your Identity Card.那么请填好这张存款单并把你的身份证交给我。

348.As soon as I get paid, I squirrel some money away so I won't be tempted to spend it. 我一发薪水,就存起来一部分,以免忍不住想花。

349.We have various different types of Current Deposit, the Variable Term Deposit, a Notice Deposit and the Usual Current Deposit. 我们有几种不同的活期存款方式,有定活两便、通知存款和普通的活期存款。

350.No overdraft is allowed in either a type A or B. What's more,a type B account should not be directly involved in any transactions, nor be applied to any external withdrawal 户、B户均不得透支,而且,B户作为结算户的后备存款账户,不直接发生经济活动,资金不得对外支付。

351.Account of agreement savings ,or a type A, should be managed and used as a general settlement account,and it may be applied to the withdrawal of a cash transfer service.协定存款账户的A户视同一般结算账户管理使用,可用于现金转账业务支出。


352.Then how do I withdraw?如何取款呢?

353.Would you like a wire transfer?你要汇钱吗?

354.I've never made a transfer before.我早先没转过。

355.Which account shall we send it to?转到什么账号?

356.We can process transaction today.我们今天就能办理转账。

357.I didn’t want the payment to be overdue.我不想付款付晚。

358.Let me view ledger transfer history.让我查看下转账历史记录。

359.I will take you through the procedure.我会指导您如何办手续。

360.A company account. I need to pay a bill.公司账户,我需要付钱。

361.What is your father's account number?你爸爸的账号号码是什么?

362.I would like to make a remittance to HongKong.我想要汇款到香港。

363.I want to draw some money from my account.我想从我的账户里取些钱。

364.Have you made transfer at our bank before?你以前在我们银行转过账吗?

365.Do you offer an inter-bank transfer service?你们有跨行转帐的服务吗?

366.I would like to transfer money back to my daughter.我要汇一笔钱给我女儿。

367.I need to transfer some money to another account.我需要将钱转到另一个账号。

368.Are you transferring funds to a company or an individual account?您是将钱转到另一个公司账户还是个人账户?

369.You can pay the electricity bill by bank giro or by bank giro credit.您可以通过银行转帐信贷方式来支付电费。

370.I'll need the name of the company and their bank routing number as well as their bank’s address and phone number.我要知道公司的名字和开户号还有他们的银行地址和手机号。


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