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时间:2023-02-15 12:22:15 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名





84.admire vt。称赞,钦佩,羡慕称赞

85.官员n .承认允许入场。入场费、入会费、入场券

86.admit vt。承认,承认许可。立场,许可。加入

87.adolescent n .青少年a .青春期,青少年

88.adopt vt。采纳,采纳(态度等);选择;选择。领养

89.adore vt。很喜欢崇拜、敬慕、爱慕

90.adult n .成年人a .成年人,足够长大,成熟

91.高级n .前进,预付VI。前进,前进vt。推进,推进

92.高级a .高级,高级;高级;高级。启蒙;前进

93.advantage n .优点、优点、有利条件利润、利润

94.advent n .(重要事件等)来了,来了

95.adventure n .冒险,冒险活动,冒险vt。大胆进行

96.adverb n .副词a .副词

97 adverse a .反对,反对;敌对不利。有害

98.advertise vt。发布,制作发布广告VI.广告

99.咨询n .建议、建议、(医生等)意见

100.advisable a .可取、恰当、明智


1.to adjust to living alone适应了独自生活

2.to administer a charity/fund/school慈善机构/基金/学校管理

3.to admire her for sticking to her principles高度评价她遵守原则

4.关于申请加入欧洲联盟的国家的COUNTRIES Applying for Admission to the EUROPEAN UNION

5.admission charges/prices门票/运费

6.5 admission入场费5磅

7.to adopt a child领养儿童


9.to live in an age of rapid technological advance技术生活在飞速发展的时代

10.to have the advantage of a good education具有接受良好教育的有利条件

11.to turn today ' s demonstration to one ' s advantage将今天的示威活动转化为自己的用途

12.the advent of new technology新技术问世

13.adverse change/circumstances/weather conditions不利变化逆境恶劣天气

14.to have adverse side effects有副作用

15.提供to advertise a product/a business/your services广告产品/企业/服务

16.to take ones' advice听某人的忠告



1.watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed according ly。小心急转弯,相应地调整车速。

2.the plan calls for the un to administer the country until elections can be held。该计划敦促联合国管理该国,直到能够进行选举为止。

3.you have to admire the way he handled the situation。必须佩服他处理这种情况的手段。

4.pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment。要帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。

5.many theories have been advanced as to why some women suffer from depression。关于部分女性患上抑郁症的原因,各种主张纷至沓来。

6.a good crowd will be a definite advantage to me and the rest of the team

7.dept Ford had come alive with the advent of the new priest at ST Paul ' s圣保罗教堂新牧师的到来使detford精神焕发。

8.lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research program。资金短缺将对我们的研究方案产生不利影响。

9.if you want to attract more customers,try advertising in the local paper。如果想吸引更多的顾客,请在当地报纸上刊登广告。

10.your community officer can give you advice on how to prevent crime in your area。社区工作人员可以就如何预防社区内犯罪提出建议。

11.it is generally not advisable for expectant mothers to travel by air after the 28 th week of pregnancy。怀孕28周后的准妈妈一般不能坐飞机旅行。

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