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时间:2023-12-05 12:00:24 作者:佚名


sky, twin,fun,take,tourists,well,use,happy,meets,same

1.the traffic lights are the in every country.

2. the no.12 bus.

3.i think it’s to walk on the moon.

4.i’m to have a new pen pal.

5.he helps the bank use their money .

6.i’m going to the .

7.he many other little water drops.

8.she often helps find their way.

9.my sister ann likes drawing pictures.

10.are you going to any books?







三、 用括号内所给的单词(名词、代词、形容词或动词)的适当形式填空(在每条横线上不一定只写一个单词):(10分)

1. look at those __________ (child). they _________ ( swim) in the swimming pool.

2. what language __________________your sister____________ (learn) next year?

3. foshan __________(have) a ___________(long) history(历史) than zhongshan.

4. they _______________(not play) badminton last saturday morning they just __________(stay) at home.

5. can i _________(take) a message for ___________ (he)?

四、 选择正确的答案,把正确答案的字母编号写在括号内:(15分)

1. ) 1.this _______ mrs. white speaking.

a. am b. are c. is d. be

( ) 2.class begins at 8.00. it’s 8.15 now. you are________.

a. busy b. different c. late d. fine

( ) 3.i think hangzhou is _____________ city in china.

a. beautiful b. more beautiful c. most beautiful d. the most beautiful

( ) 4what’s the matter _________ her?

a. in b. to c. on d. with

( ) 5. a: did he see the doctor?

b: no,_____________.

a. he isn’t b. he doesn’t c. he didn’t d. he don’t

( ) 6. a: ________ will he come back?

b: at lunch time.

a. how b. when c. where d. what

( ) 7.a: i can’t go to school today because i don’t feel very well.

a. thank you. b. goodbye. c. you are welcome. d. i’m sorry to hear that.

( ) 8. canberry is the capital of ____________?

a. australia b. japan c. new zealand d. america

( ) 9. mrs. webb likes______________ guangzhou dimsum very much.

a. eat b. eats c. eating d. is eating

( ) 10._____________ you like to go shopping with me?

a. do b. are c. did d. would

五、 写出对话所缺的单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式):(10分)


a: w_______ are you going to hong kong?

b: the day a________ tomorrow.

a: how are you going to g_________ there?

b: b_________ train.

a: how long are you going to s_______ there?

b: about two w________.


mrs. white: good evening. i called you this afternoon.

mrs. webb: sorry, i _________ at the market.

mrs. white: i’m __________ a party at home. would you like to come?

mrs. webb: i’d l__________ to. thank _______ very much.

六、 阅读对话,根据对话填写句子所缺单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式)(5分)

this was the first day of the new term.

mr. chen: good morning, class. welcome back to school.

pupils: good morning, mr. chen.

mr. chen: you all look happy today. could you tell me what you did on your summer holiday?

jiamin: i stayed at my uncle’s farm and had a lot of fruit.

mr. chen: wow! that sounds great. did you like the life on the farm?

pupils: yes, i did. the air(空气) was better than here in guangzhou.

mr. chen: what about you, xiaoling?

xiaoling: i went to the disney land in tokyo.

mr. chen: that’s interesting. did you speak japanese in tokyo?

xiaoling: yes, only a little. so


三、 用括号内所给的单词(名词、代词、形容词或动词)的适当形式填空(在每条横线上不一定只写一个单词):(10分)

1. children are swimming 2. is going to learn(will learn )

3. has longer 4. didn’t stayed 5. take him

四、 选择正确的答案,把正确答案的字母编号写在括号内:(15分)

1.c 2.c 3.d 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.a 9.c 10.a

五、 写出对话所缺的单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式):(10分)

(i) when after get by stay weeks

(ii) was having/ going to have love you

六、 阅读对话,根据对话填写句子所缺单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式)(5分)

1. look 2. tokyo/japan 3. had 4. japanese 5. having

七、 写出不少于五个句子,描述你昨天的活动。(5分)



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