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时间:2022-12-10 10:56:58 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

米歇尔和我在世界各地200多万穆斯林结束麦加神圣朝圣(Hajj)仪式的同时,向全世界庆祝宰牲节(Eid al-Adha)的穆斯林表示最诚挚的祝愿。

朝觐和宰牲节的意义在于奉献、捐助和平等。全世界成千上万名穆斯林来到麦加和麦地那(Medina),舍弃一切贵重之物,身披简朴的白布——所有人都肩并肩地、平等地站在主的面前。这个仪式表明任何人都不比别人更高贵。这不禁让人想到我们这个国家的建国原则:合众为一(e pluribus unum)。不分种族、宗教和性别,我们谨记增强我国国力的正是我们丰富的多样性。


愿参加朝觐的人以及所有其他信众为和平的祈祷声声入耳并如愿以偿。我们全家祝愿所有欢度宰牲节的家庭节日吉祥(Eid Mubarak)。

President Obama’s message on Hajj and Eid al-Adha

As more than 2 million Muslims from around the world and across the United States mark the end of their holy pilgrimage of Hajj in Mecca, Michelle and I extend our warmest wishes to Muslims around the world celebrating Eid al-Adha.

This pilgrimage and Eid is about sacrifice, almsgiving, and equality. Thousands of Muslims around the world travel to Mecca and Medina, leaving behind all that is valuable and dressed in a simple white cloth – all standing shoulder-to-shoulder and equal before God. This experience signifies that no single person is more worthy than another. It is reminiscent of the principle upon which this country is built: e pluribus unum– out of many, one. Regardless of race, religion, and gender we are reminded that our rich diversity is what strengthens our Nation.

Eid is also a time to give food, shelter and health services to those in need. Muslim Americans have always joined with other faith communities and entities to assist those suffering from hunger and conflict here at home and abroad. Once again, at a time of such desperate need, Muslim American organizations are among those at the forefront of attending to victims in this refugee crisis.

May the prayers for peace from those on pilgrimage as well as those of all beliefs be heard and answered. For all those celebrating, Eid Mubarak from my family to yours.

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