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2021级新疆学生入校第275天:端午祝福文字表 学生安康家长晓

2022-06-03 Friday周五Sunny晴The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.—Pablo Picasso, Artist人生的意义是找到自己的天份,人生的目的是把它贡献出去。 — 毕卡索 (艺术家)

Picasso (1881-1973) was a Spanish painter, sculptor and one of the representatives of modern art in the 20th century. He left more than 20,000 works, including oil paintings, drawings, sculptures, collages and ceramics, etc. He was one of the few painters who achieved fame and fortune during his lifetime.毕卡索 (1881-1973) 是西班牙画家、雕塑家、20 世纪现代艺术的代表人物之一,遗作逾两万件,包括油画、素描、雕塑、拼贴及陶瓷等,他是少数在生前即「名利双收」的画家之一。Everyone deserves happiness.每一个人都值得幸福。

仲崇霓祝福端午节安康 (Healthy Dragon Boat Festival)

节日纪念心祷祝Holiday to commemorate the great poet sincerely

盛世年华应惜福Extraordinary times should be cherished naturally

高楼大厦入云端Adorable high buildings in the clouds apparently

经济发展日正午Legendary economies are developing remarkably

小康生活富礼节The well-off life will be full of etiquette constantly

日子温饱思平安Have enough to eat and wear dreaming peacefully

民富国强达小康Yearn to be rich and strong throughout the country

原文标题:Air-Conditioning Should Be a Human Right in the Climate Crisis 全球气候危机下,拥有空调是否应成为一项基本人权?本文节选自:Scientific American(科学美国人) 作者:Rose M. Mutiso, Morgan D. Bazilian, Jacob Kincer, Brooke Bowser:A record-breaking heat wave is sweeping South Asia, threatening hundreds of millions of people with deadly temperatures well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. As the world heats up, billions of people need air-conditioning. This 120-year-old technology used to be considered a luxury, but in the age of climate change, it is a necessity for human survival. 一场破纪录的热浪正在席卷南亚,远高于 100 华氏度的致命温度对数以亿计的人造成威胁。随着世界温度的升高,数十亿人需要空调。这项有120年历史的技术过去被视为一种奢侈 品,但在气候变化的时代,它成为了人类生存的必需品。Understandably, this has created anxiety over the climate threat of a world overrun of with ACs. But the coming boom in air-conditioning is an essential shift toward reducing the enormous gap in cooling availability that exists between rich and poor people and nations—and toward producing a more equitable world. 可以理解,这会导致人们对空调泛滥引发的世界气候威胁感到担忧。但是,即将到来的空调 爆发潮是一个重要的转变,它将缩短存在于富国和穷国之间的在获得制冷设备方面存在的巨 大差距,并创造一个更加公平的世界。 According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world is projected to add another four billion AC units by 2050, largely driven by demand in emerging economies such as India and Indonesia. Air conditioners can be quite energy-intensive, particularly if inefficient models are used, meaning these countries will need a lot more electricity. In fact, AC could account for 20 to 44 percent of the peak load in India’s power grid by 2050. If this power is supplied by fossil fuels—and in areas of highest growth, including India and Indonesia, it usually is—the increase will have substantial impacts on global greenhouse gas emissions. 根据国际能源署的说法,预计到 2050年,全世界将再增加40亿台空调,主要由印度和印度尼西亚等新兴经济体的需求所驱动。空调可能是能源相当密集的电器,特别是如果使用的是低能效的型号,意味着这些国家将需要更多的电力。事实上,到 2050年,空调可能占到印度电网峰值负荷的20%到44%。如果这些电力是由化石燃料提供的——在包括印度和印度 尼西亚在内的增长最快的地区,情况通常是这样——那么电力供应需求的增加将对全球温室 气体排放产生重大影响。These projections are scary. Could the need for cooling wind up cooking the planet? Actually, this is the wrong question to ask. Ditching AC is not an option, and it should not be the goal either. Instead of a threat, this should be seen as an opportunity to explore greener cooling technology and encourage the adoption of renewable energy. Meanwhile air-conditioning has the potential to equalize conditions between different countries as an essential part of climate justice. 这些预期是很恐怖的。人类制冷的需求是否最终会把地球烤熟了?事实上,不应该这么问。 放弃空调不是我们的选择,也不应该是一种目标。我们不应把它视为一种威胁,而应把它看 作是一个探索绿色制冷技术、鼓励采用可再生能源的机会。与此同时,空调有可能平衡不同国家之间的状况,这是实现气候公平的重要部分。How can the world avert this disaster? First, by accepting that adequate cooling is an urgent human need in a warming climate. The disruption caused by extreme heat will keep growing, and access to equitable cooling technology will be necessary to ensure the survival and economic prosperity of the billions of people living in tropical regions. In fact, the longtime prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, considered air-conditioning the single most important invention for his country’s development. 世界如何才能避免这场灾难?首先要接受,在气候变暖的时代,人类迫切需要保证充分的制冷。极端高温造成的破坏将不断增加,而能够公平地获取冷却技术将是确保生活在热带地区的数十亿人的生存和经济繁荣的必要条件。事实上,长期担任新加坡总理的李光耀认为空调是对他的国家发展最重要的一项发明。

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