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长颈鹿英文怎么写怎么念 长

时间:2023-10-20 作者:佚名


A giraffe, or also known as a giraffa camelopardalis, is a tall and majestic African mammal that has captured the fascination of people all over the world. The giraffe's unique appearance, with its long neck and spotted coat, has made it an iconic symbol of the African savanna.

In English, the word "giraffe" is spelled as G-I-R-A-F-F-E. The word is derived from the Arabic word "zarafa," which means "fast-walker." This makes sense since giraffes are known for their graceful gait, despite their unusual proportions.

Giraffes have adapted to their tall stature in many ways. Their incredibly long necks, which can reach up to 6 feet in length, allow them to reach food that other animals cannot access. They have also developed a unique circulatory system, featuring a specialized network of blood vessels in their necks that prevents blood from rushing to their heads when they bend down to drink water.

Giraffes are social animals and can be found in groups called herds. These herds are typically led by a dominant male, or bull, who uses his long neck and horns to win fights and establish dominance. Female giraffes, or cows, give birth standing up and nurse their young while standing as well.

Unfortunately, giraffes are currently listed as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to habitat loss and poaching. Their unique appearance has also made them a target for trophy hunters, which has contributed to their decline.

In summary, the word "giraffe" is spelled as G-I-R-A-F-F-E in English. These majestic African mammals are known for their long necks, spotted coats, and graceful gait. While they have many unique adaptations, giraffes are also facing threats to their survival and conservation efforts are needed to ensure their continued existence in the wild.





长颈鹿的英文单词是"Giraffe",读音为[j??r?f],发音中的"g" 是软式发音,发"B"的音,类似于中文的"j"。"ir"的发音与"er"相近,都是较短的音。"a"的发音为短元音,类似于汉语中的"啊"读音。所以,完整的读音会和“杰拉菲”(jéi lā fēi)听起来比较相似。

在英语中,长颈鹿也被称为"tall giraffe",这是一种描述其特征的词语。而长颈鹿的“颈”在英文中称为"neck",读音近似于"nek"。其它相关的词汇还包括"horn"(角)、"spots"(斑点)、"hooves"(蹄子)等词语。




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