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近的用英语怎么说 安静的用英语怎么说

时间:2023-10-10 作者:佚名

What is the English word for ‘近的’? This is a question that many Chinese learners of English often ask. In this article, we will explore different ways to express the concept of ‘近的’ in English.

Proximity and distance


In English, the concept of ‘近的’ is often expressed in terms of proximity or distance. Proximity refers to being close, or having a short distance, while distance refers to being far, or having a long distance. For example, when we say that something is ‘nearby’, we mean that it is close to us, while when we say that something is ‘far away’, we mean that it is distant from us.

Using prepositions

Prepositions are a category of words that are used to show the relationship between two words in a sentence. In English, there are several prepositions that can be used to express proximity or distance. Some commonly used prepositions include:

  • Near
  • Close to
  • Next to
  • Adjacent to
  • Far from
  • Distant from

For example:

  • The park is near my house.
  • The supermarket is close to the station.
  • The bank is next to the post office.
  • The hotel is adjacent to the airport.
  • The beach is far from the city.
  • The mountain is distant from the town.

Using adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns. In English, there are several adjectives that can be used to express proximity or distance. Some commonly used adjectives include:

  • Near
  • Close
  • Adjacent
  • Distant

For example:

  • The restaurant is near the park.
  • The coffee shop is close to the office.
  • The bookstore is adjacent to the library.
  • The farm is distant from the city.

Using verbs

Verbs are words that describe an action, occurrence, or state of being. In English, there are several verbs that can be used to express proximity or distance. Some commonly used verbs include:

  • Approach
  • Get close to
  • Move towards
  • Draw near
  • Go far from
  • Move away from

For example:

  • As I approached the building, I saw the sign.
  • She got close to the stage to see the concert.
  • We moved towards the sound of the music.
  • The sun began to set and the night drew near.
  • He decided to go far from the noise of the city.
  • She moved away from the window to avoid the cold draft.


There are many ways to express the concept of ‘近的’ in English, including using prepositions, adjectives, and verbs. By mastering these expressions, Chinese learners of English can better communicate their ideas about proximity and distance in a clear and effective way.



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