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时间:2023-09-25 作者:佚名

What is the English equivalent of “飞机延迟”?

When traveling by air, a delay is always a possibility. Whether due to weather conditions, technical problems, or other unexpected occurrences, flight delays can be frustrating and inconvenient. In Chinese, the phrase “飞机延迟” is used to describe a flight delay. But what is the equivalent English term?

Flight Delay

The answer is quite simple: the English equivalent of “飞机延迟” is “flight delay”. This term is commonly used in the airline industry to describe when a flight is postponed or rescheduled for a later time than originally planned.

Flight delays can occur for various reasons, including weather conditions such as heavy snow or thunderstorms, mechanical issues with the aircraft, or crew scheduling problems. Whatever the reason, a delay can cause major inconvenience for travelers who may miss connecting flights or important events.

Causes of Flight Delays

As mentioned earlier, flight delays can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common reasons for a flight delay include:

  • Weather conditions such as thunderstorms, heavy snow, or fog
  • Technical problems with the aircraft
  • Security issues or airport closures
  • Crew scheduling issues or staffing shortages
  • Air traffic control problems

These reasons can all cause delays ranging from a few minutes to several hours or even days in some extreme cases.

Dealing With Flight Delays

Dealing with a flight delay can be frustrating, but there are things you can do to make the experience a little easier to handle. Here are some tips:

  • Stay informed: Keep an eye on the departure board and listen for announcements about your flight.
  • Stay calm: Getting upset won’t speed up the process, so try to stay calm and patient.
  • Stay comfortable: Find a comfortable spot to wait and make sure you have all necessary items such as snacks, water, and entertainment.
  • Stay in contact: If you have a connecting flight or other plans affected by the delay, contact the relevant parties to update them on the situation.

Remember, flight delays are a common occurrence when traveling by air. While they can be frustrating, they are often out of your control. By staying informed, calm, and comfortable, you can make the experience a little easier to handle.


In summary, the English equivalent of “飞机延迟” is “flight delay”. Whether caused by weather conditions, technical problems, or other unexpected factors, flight delays are a common occurrence in air travel. By staying informed, calm, and comfortable, you can make the experience a little easier to handle.



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